Hi Tom, While living a life in a physical body is our intellectual development limited by our physical brain?
Does all thinking occur outside the body and if so does this also apply to severely brain damaged individuals.
Is the brain merely there to control the functions of the physical body?
From my experience, thinking and intellect are not attributes of the physical body.
Physical body seems a limitation, simply because it is a perpetual remainder of certain limited aspects of our physical existence.
When intellect is free from the physical body (temporarily) it can assimilate and comprehend concepts that are extremely difficult to accept or even remember in "normal" life. Amazingly, this happens many times in our lifetime via certain types of "dreams", but the majority of people either ignore or totally misinterpret this.
My understanding of "brain" is that it is a "receiver and transmitter" of physical sensations to/from our consciousness. When the brain gets damaged - people remain intelligent, but lose the ability to control certain aspects of their physical body. When you damage a radio receiver - it doesn't mean that the radio station will stop playing the music...
I imagine that some people may choose to live half-in-half-out of the body, just to learn details of the relationship between their consciousness and physical bodies.
At some point in my life I began to phase out of what many take to be the collective reality. I can still force my self to operate in those terms but find no need or want to, only to experience 'reality' from a different perspective. Hence, it is sometimes difficult for me to understand things that people have composed/created within the collective. I mean, I can do it if I really want to, and try, but why? I wonder what is it that I'm in, this daze.
I don't relate well to others who want so much for this place to exist forever. maybe this is it ... [Derek]
As I understand it Derek there has to be places like Earth where life is difficult in order that we learn valuable lessons which we couldn't learn if everything was easy for us. You must be here to participate and experience life to some degree. I think it is difficult for many of us to accept life on Earth, I for one. If you accept that we are all here to learn and take it as a challenge to make the most of things and get on with life to learn as much as we can you should find things easier. I am sure you have much you can give, cripeys don't waste your life living in a funk. Enjoy nature, go for walks, breathe the fresh air, (it's still fresh here is Tasmania!). Get a pet, wow, there are many suggestions. Life is what you make of it after all, it is your FREEDOM OF CHOICE to get out there and enjoy your life or just watch it slip by. Best wishes ........