Can a primitive intellect choose to live a life as a genius, and vice versa?
What is your definition of a "genius"? Isn't a "genius" much more intelligent than everyone around him?
Intellects who are "advanced" are capable of making much better choices than those who are "primitive". Do you think that becoming stupid again would appeal as a reasonable choice for someone clever?
People who are truly advanced become SIMPLE and straightforward. They can truly "cut the crap" and see the essence in everything that they see and do. They can distinguish between "apprearances" and their MOTIVES.
Wow can that actually mean I could be more intelligent than I thought? I can often condense what people say in a few words but fail when trying to talk using long and involved words to describe my thoughts and feelings. Trying to analyse intellect is very difficult. There are so many aspects to it. I mean someone can be technically skilled but have no practical skills in day to day living.
Understanding your thoughts and feelings is one skill, expressing them is another.
Truly advanced people can make everyday choices that are compatible with the Purpose of the entire Universe. However, learning to make such choices cannot be accomplished without making mistakes...