Strategy of fear?

Hello everyone,

I thought I would share a feeling that I occasionally get whenever I see the news on the anti-war activism and the responses from the USG. I cannot help but get the feeling that we may be about to be lead into the biggest trap of the century, Operation CoIntelPro * 10.

The idea, if you hadn't guessed, is that the USG allows the terrorists to strike in order to justify its own agenda of wars and population control. The USG's agenda seems laughably transparent, and any intelligent person can distinguish between the truth and the lies they spurt forth.

That should be a cause for alarm. USG employs some extremely intelligent people in their right-wing think tanks. When intelligent people act stupid everyone should start watching them closely, because it means they are up to something that we need to know about.

Maybe I'm paranoid and delusional (I was on anti-acne drugs for a while :)) so please tell me your thoughts. I sure hope that I'm wrong. Does anyone else feel this way?


Every totalitarian regime uses essentially the same tactics:

1. Arranges provocations (trains maniacs or addicts to perform some dreadful acts, the more shocking the better)

2. Uses propaganda (media, equipped with nicely fabricated evidence) to blame someone and hence create a national (or better still - universal) enemy

3. Uses the pretext of "fighting" the newly created enemy to "justify" whatever it likes to do, like jailing intelligent citizens of its own country in concentration camps or wage a war somewhere.

Great Inquisition, Stalin, Hitler, Bush - all used the same old strategy and propaganda to mislead their flocks. Even the "laws" that they introduce to "justify" their actions are strikingly similar (such as "assumed guilty until proven innocent" for example)...

As you pointed out such a strategy is laughably transparent, especially for someone who lived under a totalitarian regime and has a trace of intelligence.


The strategy is old, but does anyone have come up with a 'counter-strategy' after all those years? do you have any ideas?


In essence, the remedy is really simple, and yet on Earth seems difficult to achieve.

It is about individuals

1. being able to filter misinformation and deceit by referring to The Purpose of the Universe (or Existence) and using their Intellect

2. exercising their Freedom of Choice and refusing to do anything that they do not like doing - no matter what, even if someone threatens them

I have a friend who was forced to join the army. He declared that he wouldn't pull a trigger of a gun and that he wouldn't fight anyone for any reason - as a matter of principle. As a result of his consistent and open attitude authorities arranged for him a service at a fire brigade.

Even the most dictatorial and narrow-minded leader cannot do anything if all people in his society REFUSE to listen to him, use their intelligence and exercise their Freedom of Choice.

Unfortunately on Earth people behave like sheep in a flock, not like intelligent individuals. (in case you don't know, a flock of sheep can be easily manipulated by a barking dog that runs around them. Sheep become scared of the dog and hold together, even if the dog leads them to slaughter. They cannot imagine that if they disregarded the barking and kept eating the grass they would be much better off...).

The essence of every totalitarian regime is to eliminate/ridicule/restrain thinking individuals and scare the rest to behave like a flock of sheep. Can you determine where it all leads?


I don't think it's all doom and gloom.

Over here, in Western Australia, the media concentrates on organisations and groups who oppose Pesident Bush and his terror campaign.Everyone I know can see through the deceit.

The majority of the stupid is NOT guaranteed, in my opinion. All over the world people realise they are being taken for a ride.


Great. They can change the world as soon as they figure out how to choose a leader who won't take anyone for a ride, no matter what.


Has anyone else seen the reactions after the Australian opposition Labor Party has spoken out about this very issue? The reaction from the Americans has been less than cheery, and I think this is just a start. This is the first time in recorded American history that an anti-war protest has taken place in the USA before a war has taken place. Think about Vietnam when it took five years of war before the protest really gained momentum. The expression of dissent is growing and getting featured more in the mainstream. If the leaders see how opposed to these lies people are, they will be more inclined to change because otherwise they will lose votes.


Be careful. "Opposition" typically criticises ANY action of a current leadership - as a matter of principle.

Since leadership is incompetent to begin with - it is very easy to do. In fact, mutual sabotage goes on after every change of ruling party, doesn't it? Imagine that Labor takes leadership tomorrow. Do you think they would discontinue Australian committment in Iraq? I doubt it.


Anyway.. How do we change the way govenment powers are voted in to something like that explained in Thiaoouba Prophecy where the wisest most integral people represent the majority? Petition for that is that how?? Get the idea out through flyers speaking of this idea?? Any more ideas, maybe MORE ACTIVE ideas, i'd love to hear them.


I think the most effective would be some major natural catastrope that will show to everyone how inadequate and irrelevant is the leadership that keeps ignoring all planetary and Nature warnings. Australian government cannot even conceive an effective fire prevention policy in their forests. Can you imagine what such leaders will do confronted with earthquakes and tidal waves?


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