Tom, if telepathy is following nature more closely than other communication, is it possible that animals do this?
Sure. Any dog owner will tell you that a dog feels feels human moods very well, even at large distances. Dogs can even feel when something happens to their owner (as it happens) - even if they are on different continents.
Another good example comes from dolphins. A group of dolphins can do a perfectly synchroneous complex manouver quite spontaneously. Their trainers are constantly amazed. A pair of experienced human dancers would take several minutes to explain and demonstrate a new figure to each other so that they can perform it simultaneously. A group of dolphins takes only a few seconds to invent and perform a perfectly synchroneous trick - WITHOUT ANY REHEARSAL.
Humans seem to be the only species on the planet who disregard telepathy as a form of communication.
Tom, could i question you on your beliefs around ethics concerned with telepathy?
i'm sure that i read in the past something written on one of your web pages,(i had a quick look but couldn't find it today so i can't reference it) but in it you mentioned something about telepathy and said that you 'do it just for fun', are the words i remember.
when you are using telepathics 'just for fun' are the people you are communicating with conscious of the communication.
because i am aware that people can tell you things through telepathics (although, maybe not true telepathics in the sense) that they are not consciously aware of. things i believe that may not be any of our business. do we have a right to listen in on other peoples minds in this way?
sure if you accidentally hear things but deliberately listening, i don't believe so. wondering what your responce was.
another thing is can you have a telepathic conversation to someone on another level while they are in telepathic communication with you and the two conversations, that each person experiences, be different?
if this is not true telepathics may you explain what could be going on? your theories please!!Thank you. Love
Telepathic conversation is like any other conversation. You need to address it and you have The Freedom of Choice to choose the addressee. The other person has to be able and choose to listen as well as respond - otherwise there cannot be any conversation. As you can see there are quite a few conditions.
About "scanning people's minds". The information in human consciousness seems to be "phase encoded", much like in a "spread spectrum" digital mobile phones. Have you seen this article?
You can ask the entire SETI team to listen to such phase encoded signals for a month - and they wouldn't be able to decipher even a single conversation. To listen - you need a "key" that is used to encode the information. In a similar way - our individuality and privacy of thought is protected in Nature.
There seem to be a several "common" keys that relate to communication of feelings. Amazingly these are accessible not only to humans, but also to plants and animals. Try to communicate love or fear to a dog and see the difference.
Those in the Universe who have learned to access "keys" of other people are also evolved enough to understand consequences of misusing their ability. They choose not to do it - they know The Purpose of the Universe.
I was wondering why there was no information on telepathy on your website. Information on telepathy is very hard to find and I was wondering if you could shed some light on the subject
Why don't you search for this subject on this Forum. Have you seen the beginning of this topic? Have you read The Book?
If telepathy is a direct mind-to-mind connection, then wouldnt the best form of education be via telepathy? Would this make understanding easier?
Sure. Have you read The Book? Advanced people do not use pen and paper and they don't even have books...
We dazzle our eyes with pretty shiny toys that will blink us to death of heart and soul. Technology in the hands of infantile bullies. Naming every birth, killing to disect the informatioin we instilled. This . . . dance. Our flawless waltz. Gentlemen of the earth, I applaud you. Our teachers. [madd_laughter]
Wait a minute! I've been looking up the word 'telepathy' and it's definition is, communication by extrasensory means. Hmm . . . well what does 'extrasensory mean'? It means, residing beyond or outside the ordinary senses.Interesting. Isn't telepathy an innate and 'ordinary'/common ability? Another misunderstanding of nature. This shows the reason for people being skeptical about it. It has been deemed an other than every day activity. And why would we want to strain ourselves . . . sheesh.
Telepathic abilities are fundamental to any creature in the Universe. If dogs and dolphins can do it, so should we.
The only thing that is "paranormal" in the Universe is our limited understanding of it.
I could not find much about telepatic communication on the forum. Tom can you, or someone else, point out where I could find some information and quidance how to rise my knowledge about it? Is there a number of people on the Earth which are able to counsciously communicate with telepaty ? According to The Book there can be two-way or one-way telepatic communication. How do you recognise that you are actually communicating telepatically with someone and that you are not just imagine it?
It is actually quite difficult to recognise your own thoughts from thoughts "inspired" by someone else, especially your Higher Self. You need to know your Self and use your Intellect.
With vivid "inner" images accompanied by certain explicit information the situation is easier to recognise, especially if they "flash" or "zoom" to attract your attention.
The best way to start practising telepathy is trying to communicate FEELINGS (love, fear) to animals, such as dogs for example.
I can communicate by telepathy some basic feelings to a dog easily as well as to some people. What I am really drawn to now is telepathic 'conversation' and 'image transfer' (if it is possible).
Couple of times I was talking telepathically to a person on some long distance, what she had confirmed in a way and actually 'induced' it at first. Later I had very often a similar way of communication to that person but I was always in doubt if that was really telepathic 'conversation' or it was just my imagination because when I asked her to describe the surroundings or what she was doing lately, I did not get an answer that would be confirmed later.
How one can actually be sure that he is 'talking' telepathically WITH another person, and how can one induce such a communication or 'call' another? As mentioned in The Book Thao, Biastra and the others where communicating with Michel at their will and it seems there were no limitating conditions which you mentioned in the beginning of this topic. Can someone achieve similar on the Earth ?
Feelings are the easiest form of information to transmit telepathically. It seems that Nature is designed that way.
It is quite difficult to recognize what is telepathy and what is your own imagination. I do not have a method yet, other than later verification of the allegedly transmitted information.
I heard that there are some native tribes, among them certain isolated Australian aboriginal tribes, who communicate between themselves telepathially, but I cannot confirm it.
If precise telepathic communication is possible - the best way to develop the ability must be PRACTICE.
If advanced intellects are capable of telepathic communication, what would be the purpose of using such a limited form of communication as speech to transmit ideas and information to each other?
Jim J
Before we become advanced, we need to learn simple things.
Information can ONLY be transmitted, if it is ENCODED.
Development of languages (such as mathematics, music, spoken and written scripts, computer languages etc...) is an essential lesson in encoding, decoding and transmitting of information.
When we understand the essence of all "languages" - we shall understand how the information is encoded in our own consciousness. Then we shall be able to transmit and receive it directly.