Who is hurting you?

Dear Tom, My 15 year old son died suddenly of heart failure 3 years ago. Since then I have been looking for answers to life the universe and everything with as much diligence and intelligence I can muster. My grief and pain is extraordinary and quite beyond description. He was a very bright, loving and lovely child who had so much to give the world. Why do you think he died so young and seemingly so senselessly. I just keep searching but still the pain goes on...


WHO is hurting you? Isn't it YourSelf?

You seem to hurt yourself, simply because you do not yet begin to grasp that you may have CHOSEN to experience what you experience.

As you said, since your son died - you are seeking answers. Perhaps his main role in your life was to prompt you to begin searching? Would you begin searching for The Purpose of Life and the Universe so diligently and so intensively if your son did not die? Would you???

Try to see the Lesson in front of your eyes. The Lesson and the Test that you have chosen yourself to increase your Understanding. And PLEASE, do not stop searching... You have just begun...

Life is a test, whether you Understand or just think that you do... Physical body is just a tool...

(BTW. My son died in 1980 and it was a prompt for my own search... Every time I deviated from The Search for too long, I was reminded again - through my own suffering - to continue searching... And I am being reminded still from time to time...)


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