Why people are born retarded?

If the purpose is to develop the intellect, why are some born with mental deficiencies, i.e. autism, mental retardation, which could make it impossible to develop to the level of the average person on earth let along a higher self? Are these the people that were so bad or unwilling to learn they in turn have been born with these obstacles to overcome?


This is most likely due to choices they made in previous lifetimes. Don't forget that that such people CHOOSE to accept certain limitations before they are born - perhaps to LEARN more, perhaps to teach us more and perhaps both...


My son has autism and definitely is not retarded. He has a much more analytical approach to life. I have learnt so much from having him. His intellect in some ways far surpasses mine but as a mum I have to teach him much about feelings and emotions. Perhaps I was given my son to learn things through him such as strength, tolerance, persistance to achieve goals, (you will push for things for a child where perhaps you wouldn't bother for yourself), and of course love. My son is one of the main reasons I have woken up to explore my own spiritualty and the 'Big Picture'.


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