So what's the purpose of putting fouride in toothpaste in the first place? What do they say fluoride helps teeth in? Do you use tooth paste?
Apparently fluoride causes a cumulative brain damage. Nazis and Communists have been using fluoride to control behvior of inmates in their concentration camps. Look what we found online:
The Beginning of Fluoridation 1940: Both Germany and The Soviet Union added sodium fluoride to the drinking water in their Prisoner Of War (POW) camps. A Belgian gentleman called Joris who was active during the war in shipping sodium fluoride to the Soviet Union told a fluoride researcher, Dr. Hans Moolenburgh, that they[the 'Soviets'] said it kept the Germans calm. [2 + 3]
1945, The end of World War II: The United States Government immediately sends a chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology research worker by the name of Charles E. Perkins to Germany (with an entourage of staff) to take charge of the I.G. Farben Chemical plants. During his time there, Mr Perkins learned of a schemedeveloped by German chemists during the war, and adopted by the German General staff, to medicate the populations of the occupied countries by introducing sodium fluoride to the drinking water. The German chemists had discovered that fluoride slightly damages the Hippocampus. This caused, over time with repeated dosages, theeffected person to become more submissive. On a larger scale, making the populations of fluoridated areas easily governable and less likely to defend their freedom. [4 + 5]
More info at at .
Toothpaste is not as dangerous as the water we drink, but I don't use toothpaste. I use a salt water. More details in my "Joy of Perfect Health" book.
From the above it is obvious that even if we don't improve anything else in our diet - we should improve the quality of water that we drink.
SO far, to the best of my knowledge, this has to be one of the best sites against fluoride:
It has a lot of links and verified information.
Now I truly know what is the significance of 'the difficulty of unlearning as compared to learning from the beginning', as written in the Freedom. Unlearning is only useful when things are acted upon. [rafal]
I don't like hearing things like this. Makes me mad and I want to rebel .. but i'm lazy :-)(effect of fluoride ? lol)
Will 'The Joy of Perfect Health' be available online someday ?
Yes it will.