Cannot meditate?

Because of college, family and other mundane worries, I've been unable to experience an OBE or a lucid dream. I've really tried, but what sets me back are the voices in my head that won't shut up or stop repeating things I heard earlier in the day. I have a pretty active mind and shutting it down isn't easy. I know many of you share this dilemma. For some reason I can concentrate better on busy environments filled with people and noises and I some times I almost left my body... once during a calculus exam! Then, when I try to do it on a silent place, at night, when I feel peaceful and without worries, I can't even meditete for 10 minutes! It's really frustrating... I've tried many methods, from visualizing to pure will, but to no avail. Is there another unusual method I can try? I guess 'normal' things don't work for me...


Problems that you experience are very common.

Overload of information and overstimulation of the mind during the day, especially with stress, violence, propaganda (media images/phrases specifically designed to be difficult to forget) just amplify the problem.

My method is to begin with intensive CONCENTRATION exercise, such as the exercise 2 here. Truly intensive concentration occupies nearly 100% of the mind. After just a few minutes of such a concentration the mind is READY TO TAKE A REST. But the rest of the mind is what we call "meditation"...

After an intensive concentration you will meditate naturally, just like after an extensive physical activity you sleep well. Use the principle of Contrasts, like Nature does.


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