Celebrating Xmas?

I think some things are too easy to obtain for us, that is why this Christmas I have designed a Treasure Hunt for each child with six riddles or clues, each one leading one more step to the treasure. The riddles are harder for the eldest child. My idea is to get the children to think more and work for their reward... the treasure, (Christmas present). I think a certain amount of materialism is fine but we need to appreciate it and to not take more than we need. I mean would you believe it, some of our relatives actually couldn't think of anything they actually wanted for Christmas this year, (I guess they didn't need anything else!). I would have liked to have sent their money to their selected Charity but think I would have been thought rather odd!

Does anyone have any suggestions how to change our celebration for Christmas more in keeping with the thoughts and wisdoms of 'Freedom of Choice' while still keeping Christmas Fun and enjoyable for the children? I mean there is no way I could stop present giving entirely, it would be mean, wouldn't it?????!


I think Life should be celebrated everyday, not only on special occasions.

From my experience, the greatest joy is not to "receive" anything, but to Love and be Loved, to Understand and be Understood.

No gift and no ceremony, even if you name it after the greatest man who ever walked on Earth, can ever replace that.

Are we helping our children to understand Love?


Give love and love will be given!

When all of us we remember this and act like it, it will bring a wonderful and enjoying loving feeling for everybody. We can accomplish this just by saying some simple loving words from the bottom of our heart.

It is great to listen to a Christmas song even when it is not Christmas.Christmas seems to be a special occasion. But the special Christmas feeling should be there all year long.


Has anyone noticed how perverted the message of Christ has become by calling a shopping frenzy by His name? It seems like celebrations have been designed by merchants who make their biggest business from it.

Hardly anyone today realizes that His MAIN message was about immortality of consciousness...


It is gratifying that you all feel that way. I certainly do try to teach my children all about love. Boy do I make many mistakes but I always hug and tell my children I love them, even when they are not so lovable........you'd be amazed how many people can't say, 'I love you', but can thrust an expensive gift at someone instead.. Which one means more, I ask? Sometimes I feel my children are wiser than me and I am the kid, does anyone else feel this way?


We can learn at least as much from our children as they can learn from us. Everyone learns something different though.


Most parents treat their kids like property and not like individual intellects. I think that this is where civilization is going wrong. Adults stifle the individual intellects of their children, who then grow up, have kids of their own, and continue the cycle. It's very refreshing to hear that some are actually learning from their children, and more importantly, admitting it.


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