Chicken or egg?

Where did the intelect or god come from to create the house if there has to be something else to design or plan it? Wouldn't there have to be something else to create the god, and where does it end if there is no beginning?

This question is related to the question what came first, the chicken or the egg?

Krystal Sedlak

Neither. The First was Intellect, who developed Itself and then designed Life.

Intellect is the only thing in the Universe that truly develops ITSELF. Examine how has your own intellect has developed. Note that Intellect is not a material thing - it is an ability to process information and draw conclusions.

Scientifically speaking, the probability of Intellect developing Itself is INFINITE number of times GREATER than the probability of an atom (or anything material, including life and the Universe) making itself.


My intelect has devoloped from other sources, such as people, books, internet sites, my own observations etc. All of these come from outside myself. In your book you say to meditate and go to your higher self, yet this would be an outer source as well. (Even though it is you.)

My question is how could an intelect develp if it has nothing for comparison or contrast as you say in your book.


Don't compare apples with oranges. Intellect has very litle to do with knowledge and memory that incidentally could be just clutter.

A child is intelligent before it is born and even before it is conceived.

Have you ever thought how much intelligence is needed to make a human body from a single cell? Create all organs without any mistakes?

Intellect can and DOES develop itself. Try to use you IMAGINATION to comprehend it. Intellect can develop using its own IMAGINATION - imagining things before they exist.

Imagination cannot come from "other sources" - it can only come from your own Intellect. No one can develop your imagination for you. You have to develop it YOURSELF.


I see your point. I was trying to get my brother to read your book to develop his intellect, and he refused. He doesn't want to even try to comprehend that there is a 'possibility' that there is a different philosophy other than his religion. He has questioned his religion, yet he is so afraid that he will be shunned if he abandones it. I truly see why you say religion is a curse upon man.

This reminds me of the quote: 'you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.'


It is The Freedom of Choice at work isn't it? Development of Intellect and the Freedom of Choice are inseparable.


Would it be possible for the Intellect to design and put into action genetic mutations that may APPEAR to us as random? For the Intellect, He would know the final result(s), but to us, it may appear random. What do you think?


My view is that nothing is by chance. It is by CHOICE.

More than one entity makes choices in the Universe. The less we understand - the more chaotic everything around will seem. Statistics can quantify observations but it explains NOTHING about the underlying process.


Tom, you claim to have a few answers. So, what was first, chicken or an egg?


Neither. The first was an IDEA of life and its various form of procreation.


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