Are there any dangers with cloning?Should we clone human beings?
Aaron Joseph
The problem is that we may not even suspect the extent of dangers of cloning until someone actually tries it out.
Any honest scientist who works with cloning of plants will tell you that one of the key dangers for plants is the loss of their immune system that eventually leads to the exctinction of entire plantation.
Cloned plants are "copies" of one another - their individuality is minimized and even genetic "mistakes" are copied. When some bacteria, parasite or other microorganism discovers the "weak point" in one plant - the entire plantation is attacked and wiped out. This is because bacteria and microorganisms multiply much faster than plants. Plants cannot even "help one another" simply because their design is identical.
The above problem of cloned plantations is not just a theory. It is the established fact. Do you have a desire to experience verification of such a fact on humanity?
Does genetic implantation of cells with Bt-toxin pose as risky a threat to life ?
People who speak up, do not want it, and would not buy these foods, if they were labeled {if it was made known to the public}.
What could possibly be learned from this, except 'not to do it?,' or 'know how to speak up to stop tyranny?' Aren't these basic ideas? Are there any reasonable motivations for this technology to be implemented?
Why has GMF technology rushed into the market so quickly, without 'complete' testing?
The motive seems clear. Money and power. Technology appears to many as a way of achieving profit, especially if people can be made dependant on it.