Everyone seems concerned with eliminating terrorism. But how do you define terrorism? I am confused...
The key elements to terrorism are obvious to many: violence, noncombatant targets, intention of spreading fear, and political aims.
The FBI uses the US Code of Federal Regulations definition: "The unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives."
My insurance policy that "withdraws cover for Acts of Terrorism" (following decision of its "re insurers") says:
"Act of terrorism means an act, including but not limited to the use of force or violence and/or the threat of thereof, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organization(s) or government(s), which from its nature or context is done for, or in connection with political, religious, ideological or similar purposes including the intention to influence any government and/or to put public, or any section of the public, in fear."
According to the above, people who work for and support the US government are major terrorists! Don't they induce worldwide "fear of terrorists" and fear of "enemy" who may (or may not) have some weapons? Don't they threat to use force?
The FBI definition includes a word "unlawful". But governments can CHANGE laws to justify their actions. Haven't they done it already? Haven't they introduced a law that anyone can be arrested and detained indefinitely without evidence? This is a technique of Great Inquisition, Stalin and Hitler: make people scared that someone may suspect them. Isn't it a blatant intimidation of civilians (interfering with their Freedom of Thought )?
Anyone who declares any activity to "eliminate terrorism" should first DEFINE "terrorism" and have this definition universally accepted, don't you think?
My view is that fighting is NOT a way to eliminate suffering. I think that the best way to eliminate suffering is to inspire everyone to SEEK and FIND the Purpose of their own existence... That is why I wrote The Freedom of Choice book.
Hi Tom, A bill draft for the American people has just come into existance for anyone who supports or has donated money to any organisation that promotes terrorism to lose their citizenship.
More than likely if a {Planned} attack happens while the war is on, the bill will get passed. It bye passes courts and constitution.If it does get passed, the Republic will get changed into an empire, and people will go missing in the night like germany and russia.The entire western world will change automatically.
Notice that still there is no definition of terrorism. Hence, anyone can be accused, expelled and prosecuted on a suspicion or a gossip.
The next step for Great Inquisition, Stalin and Hitler etc... was to create a 24/7 system in which citizens can "nominate suspects" among their neighbors effectively causing their instant prosecution. In case you don't know, what followed was that anyone who in any way expressed disapproval for the establishment (or the neighbor) was eliminated (by burning on stakes, concentration camps etc...) Of course, intelligent people were eliminated FIRST... Can you guess WHY?
Do we REALLY need to go through this again?
It reminds me of the era when people were told to look out for communists (reds under the bed). It ushered in a major period of conservatism and oppression and all those speaking out against the government were labelled communists and unpatriotic. It is easy to see what will happen as a result of this increase in paranoid citizenship and the resulting rush of conservatism. One tool we have on a mass communication level is the internet. Maybe forums like this will be targetted in the future as anti-government because they are aligned against mass brainwashing and govt manipulation !!!
Quite possible.
Note, however, than any action like this can backfire. Givt can lose the rest of its credibility... Can you imagine people (including soldiers) choosing not to listen to govt propaganda ? Remember that CONTRASTS and drastic situations can help people to increase their understanding of Reality.