Dear Tom, I read your Book 'The Freedom of Choice'. It is not only very good, it is perfect! Why perfect?Because in that book I did not find speculations an lies. I found only logical statements that everybody can prove using his/her intellect.
You are right if you say 'believing is not enough, you must know.' But in my life (I'm now 49) i had met 'plenty' people who seemingly 'knew and understood' but preferred to live with/or in the same destructing behaviors. It is really hard to see the never ending suffering!
With my freedom of choice, I have also written a book entitled 'Create your life'. In content it is similar to yours. I would like to let you know that somebody else had an inspiration like you.
Thank you very much for writing so advanced wisdom in such a simple way. Everyone can understand it. Love and Light I send you too.
Peter Egler
'Knowing and understanding' is just the first step. Then we need to LIVE the knowledge and understanding that we attained.
People who say that they 'know' but DO something else are HYPOCRITES. They repeat nice words they heard somewhere WITHOUT actually understanding any of them.
TRUE understanding CANNOT be undone.
I just read The Freedom of Choice and found it to be the most interesting thing I read in my entire life. I pretty much agreed with most of the book other then the meditation part. 🙂 No offense, but I don't need to see subliminal images I can see those while I'm awake. Just wanted to say GREAT BOOK. It was very stimulating. [G. Gonzalez]
Yes, it is true that it may take many people many years to actually demonstrate what they understand by employing it in their everyday lives.
In my case, I've realized that it really comes down to 'beating the self', that is, eliminating self-imposed limitations. And I've also realized that eliminating any identified self limitations is part of the 'test of life'.
Also, I've noticed that once a self limitation is eliminated, great satisfaction is felt. It feels as if I've proven to myself that I can go on without that 'old' self limitation. [rafal]
I've recently decided to change, or to take charge of my lessons here on earth. I've decided to experience things that I have not formerly been exposed to. Some of these things are great joy, power and a lot of freedom.I feel inwardly that this has always been my right, but I just wasn't aware of it. It's difficult to be comfortable with this new attitude.
For some strange reason, what is occupying my mind is that I need to learn forgiveness, and the first person that I must forgive is myself.I'm getting the feeling that this has something to do with me taking charge of myself. I feel like a teenager who is realizing that there are things that I must conquer to earn the right to be an adult. Maybe an adult in the spiritual world. Life never ceases to amaze me. Of all of the things that occured to me that might come of my new attitude, this is not what I expected.
Your consclusions indicate that your awareness expands and you are doing fine. The HARDEST thing you will EVER need to overcome is YourSelf.
Hi, Belle. May I recommend the book 'Radical Forgiveness', by Colin Tipping. The author seems to have a solid understanding of reality; i truly enjoyed it.