Having recently read 'Freedom of Choice' in one sitting, I am still troubled with the following apparent anomaly, which seems to be embedded in your theory of the purpose of our creation:
If the 'Creator' designed us to be 'Automonous Intellects' with the freedom to choose, then by the very fact of creating us (without our choosing), this one freedom of choice was sacrificed (ie we never had the choice whether or not to be created, did we ?)
This loss of the most fundamental choice, at the beginning, is 'possibly' an underlying weakness in conflict with the underlying purpose for creating us Humans, is it not ? Could this resentment (due to lack of choice) be destructive to the growth of our feelings of Love for our Creator ?
pat heaney
My understanding is that The Great Intellect used tiny parts of its OWN intellect and "gave them" autonomy as well as assistance (the environment to learn) so they can evolve fast. No one's Free Will was ever compromised. The Great Intellect had chosen to divide ITSELF.
When you receive a "gift" - you have a choice to accept it or not. This also applies to the gift of "autonomy". You exist as an individual intellect, because you have CHOSEN to accept the gift of autonomy. What were your initial MOTIVES? Most likely you saw the Potential of becoming "like" The Great Intellect - you were a tiny part of IT to start with.
I once confronted my father with this same question (even though obviously knowing that he didn't, as such 'decide' about bringing me into this world) - however, can you see that I had no choice, and at that time in my life I was very unhappy, and was truly sorry that I had in fact ever been born. I definitely don't feel that way now, I'm glad to say.Please don't take from the above that I reject the gift of life and all the exciting possibilities that emanate from having this consciousness, but at the same time, life can sometimes be a bit over-challenging. I think we all need time-outs from the struggle, but there doesn't seem to exist a mechanism for us to get time-outs during our lifetimes?
pat heaney
Have you tried meditation? It IS definitely a time-out for our intellect. Forget everything for a while, remove all clutter from the mind and make room for new ideas...
Any resentment about being born / brought into existence (without choice) would not exist for me if, having been given this life, the Creator had said to me : "Here Patrick is a gift. You can choose to keep it, or you can choose to let Me have this gift back. One way or another, its your choice". I hope you can provide some feedback on these matters.
pat heaney
This is exactly what happened. You were not any particular "person" in the beginning. You have accepted the "gift of autonomy" FIRST. When you thought that you understood enough, you have chosen this particular lifetime to TEST your "autonomy" in a physical body. Your father hasn't built your body cell-by-cell. The information necessary to built Life and living organisms comes from The Great Intellect via The Light of your own Higher Self. Have you searched this forum for "Higher Self"?