Hi, Tom,Some words about noise pollution. This is for EVERYONE doubting the truth. I am the drummer and I have been playing in the hardcore-style band for two years now (I am 20). Quite long time ago I doubted if the noise REALLY is so dangerous, as Thao and Thaori told. Since I couldn't just believe it, I continued playing. Until now I didn't even notice that I have lost so much of my sensitivity, creativity, and the joy and the sense of The Existance. This came clear to me when I re-read my two years old diary. There I wrote down every event of my life, my feelings, even poetry. It is impossible to compare, how happy and creative I was then even during sad times, how creative was my imagination. Now I "have found" myself "simple" and "narrow". This simplicity should be understood as "with No Details", like Tom have described about "electro-photonic holographic intellect" (please search the forum). The details ARE LOST. It all changed. These changes are also obvious in all members of my band. The soloist has became VERY aggressive especially during last year. Now I see that this is very actual problem of ALL PLANET.
If you still do not believe, than the next fact must convince everyone: I live in Latvia, (~2,3 million people). While going to the primary and to the secondary school, I participated in every olympiad in mathematics, informatics, physics. Every year I took first places nationally. Now I am a first-year student of the "computer-science" course of Latvian University. Guess what? I try very hard NOT to fall out of the country-funded places (75%).
We must learn one from another. Some time ago I asked Tom what to do. He told that we have freedom, we may freely choose our lifestyle. Thanks him. For everyone: think for yourself. Would you like to repeat my mistake? [dr*****@na*******.lv]
Thank you Andrew for your evidence.It must be easier to notice the extent of conscious damage when you are a national math/physics champ and write poetry.
I totally agree with this. When I go to a local club at weekends and if I stay in the dance room for more than a minute or two, I can hear the buzzing in my head the next morning when I wake up and I sense that I'm even more stupid than usually. So is with the body, it isn't as healthy as it should be. And this doesn't have anything to do with alcohol or drugs. I'm happy that I can actually sense this on my own. If half an hour of dancing on loud music makes me dum and unhealthy, I don't like to imagine the damage that is done to people who dance for five or more hours on rave parties where the music is a lot louder.
On the physical side loud noise damages hearing organs and what people don't know or ignore, it makes a LOT of damage to internal organs(explains the phenomenon of death by people that tried to embrace the loudspeakers on heavy metal concerts).Any educated medical practioneer can confirm this. Too bad the majority of people are not informed about the importance of this issue.
Music is such a marvellous thing and it is a shame if trying to enjoy it brings negative consenquences. There is one question that arises in my mind when I remember what is written in The Book. I think that it is said that music in discos is usually played 3 times too loud. Does anyone know how much decibels of sound are there in a disco? We could find out the approximate limit of noise that doesn't destroy the astral body. [Andrej]
Andrew is absolutely correct. I noticed the stupidty of myself the day after the discos in all occasions. That realy worried me and I stopped going to disco anymore.
To strengthen Andrews warning, I will add in my own experience.
In my late teens and early twenties, I purchased very expensive and loud car audio equipment.I would play music so loud that you could easily here me coming from a couple of streets away.When I would exit my car my ears would be ringing and buzzing. After a couple of years of the abuse and before reading Abduction to the Ninth Planet and this forum I concluded that music was having a very bad effect on me. Not only was I damaging my ear drums but I would start feeling very anxious and unable to concentrate for upto hours after being exposed to the loud music.
This was also the case when I would visit discos on the weekend. I would become irritable and aggressive while being exposed to the music.
For about a year now I have been practicing meditation in a hope that I can reverse any damage that has occured. I only hope the damage isn't too severe. [Marcus]
From my experince it is very hard to have higher feelings when you have sujected yourself to a disco.May be people go in these places to try and forget who they are.