School is very limiting, forcing students to study subjects they don't want to, and the school system want the students to be more like machines than individuals. But what to do? Skip school because it's limiting for the consciousness? It feels like a clash between learning things and compromising the Freedom of Choice. Thank you for a great book!
I don't think skipping school is a good idea. If you are not sure - you can try it, but it is VERY likely that you won't like the consequences.
NOTHING in the Universe can limit your Freedom of Thought - except yourself. You are FREE to THINK whatever you CHOOSE and no one can do anything about it.
There is MUCH more to learn in school than "learning things" from the curriculum. Have you tried to see Auras of your teachers? Have you tried to connect to them telepatically and have them say what YOU transmit?
You imply that you don't like the "system" - because it "clashes" with your preferences. This very "clash" makes you PERCEIVE the contrast and provokes your THOUGHTS.
Have you tried to imagine what would YOU do if you were in charge? Observing the "system as it is" and finding out what it "should be" is one of the best lessons in ANY school - including the School of Life.
Try to see ALL lessons in your life - not only those that are explicitly called "lessons" in school.
Consider it a challenge for your intellect to "cope" with a mediocre system without compromising your integrity and the Freedom of Thought.
I have found that in school they program certain human morals into your normal daily life... i.e.
- Not being late to work
- Not being late for appointments
- Making sure you pay attention
- And making sure you can communicate to others around you.
Im not sure if this is true. But i do agree with Lisa. School now a days just stinks. The teachers are so consumed with telling the other nasty children to be quiet, they forget to teach the subject. [Kyle]
I enjoy, my work and life.I love to say to my children and students, I don't know... what do you think? why did it happen? what could we do? Help me! it's so good to watch them thinking, looking to their faces and listen to them ... even sometimes I give a 'stupid' answer just to provoke them to see their reaction. to make them realize that we are all different, that everyone has a head and no one can live without it...we depend and can only blame ourselves, thank you again for the opportunity to share this forum.
I love teasing students too.
The system is not at all mediocre. It is absolutely worthless. NO ONE SHOULD DO WHAT THEY HATE. Therefore, any system that causes the people caught up in it to be unhappy with it is bad. How many people benefit from being forced to sit for hours and listen to teachers who know absolutely nothing?
Finding out what the system should be is great, but actually changing it is infinitely better. By 'coping' with the system you are helping to keep it in existence. Do you want this system to exist forever? It has to stop sometime...
Seeing your teacher's auras and connecting with them telepathically is also great, but imagine how much more could be done if the system was improved. Perhaps you would be able to see some brighter auras and actually have the teachers telepathically respond!
Teaching and learning by telepathy is my dream.
Does teasing students hurt? As far as I understand when I was a student, I had a teacher who always teased us and most of us find him very sarcastic and hurtful since we were all hardworking and did our best...
The Purpose of teasing should be to inspire students to THINK. Good teacher should be intelligent enough to find out good teasers.