
Great work actually, but I have a few philosophical views that are contradictory to your thoughts. Your words:

1) God's intellect is in continuous development.2) God's intellect developed from nothing

My thoughts:
1) If God's intellect just came from nothing, this is already contradictory to the idea of God's eternity
2) Since God is omnipotent, he gave our intellect the option to develop from nothing, but his own nature and his own intellect did not came to existence from nothing.
3) God's intellect is at maximum development. It does not develop because all the information in the world already resides in.

By the way, I am a theist and truly believe in God.

Arto K.

Your thoughts are based on self-contradicting dogmas that have nothing to do with the Reality of the Universe, or even elementary logic. Take for example the concept of “omnipotence”. Can God create an object that cannot be moved? If he can create such an object, then he is not omnipotent, because he cannot move the object after creating it. If he cannot create the object – he is not omnipotent either.

God may be far more powerful than you and me can imagine, but (as any Intellect) it has PREFERENCES. Referring to the example above, God will see NO POINT in creating things that do not make sense or are useless in the context of its Conscious Existence. As anyone intelligent, God seeks to avoid trouble. Assuming otherwise is an insult to Intellect.

But, as a wise man said @2000 years ago “to a fool, good and evil are one and the same” [2]. Dogmas such as above are pushed by fools who do not even begin to suspect any Purpose for Nature to exist and hence cannot see intelligent preferences needed to imagine and design it. Aren't these fools the source of all the trouble? Have you read this article?

Assuming “eternal existence” and “maximum development” not only ignores The Beginning (“when the Beginning was, the End will be” [2]) but it denies God The Freedom of Choice either to terminate its conscious existence or evolve. Do you think God would deny itself an option to evolve? Do you realize that one of the greatest pleasures of Conscious Existence is to develop and explore new ideas?

Believing is not enough. You need to KNOW. Begin by spotting self-contradictions in your thoughts.


Thank you for your intelligent words, Tom. I showed the above to a religious friend of mine, and he said he was thinking about it so much he couldn't sleep the last few nights. You're really making a difference in this world, and I am extremely grateful for that. [Lachie]

A simple question to Arto K.: If God knows everything then, what was the last thing that he got to know?

Just now I am trying to prove to myself that it is impossible to know everything...


Your question could be too advanced for people who think like Arto K. Not everyone is a math champion.

Perhaps it is easier to become aware that it is not necessary or even not desirable to know "everything". The essence of Intelligence is an ability to CHOOSE and filter information. Do you know anyone intelligent who likes spam?


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