Drugs anyone?

If drugs are damaging, then why have they been used in many cultures for healing and spiritual practices?


Do you remember what happened to these "cultures"? Haven't they disintegrated? What "spiritual" results have they achieved?

Take for example the ancient Egypt. Shortly after the society started using drugs - no one could remember what the Great Pyramid was for... Everyone forgot...


Is there a difference between an organic and a synthetic drug? If so, what is the difference between an organic drug(peyote or mushrooms) and a natural supplement which exhibts the characteristics of a drug, ie ma huang(ephedra) similarity to amphetamine?


Any substance, organic or not, that falsifies our conscious sensations is very dangerous for our intellect. Mis-programming of intellect by using hallucinogenic drugs is one of the very few things that can REVERSE our conscious evolution.

How many lifetimes with crippled intellect does it take to restore intelligence? Do you have a desire to find out?


I believe drugs are only damaging when taken in excess. It is true that they are toxic for the body...but it only gets dangerous when those toxins levels are sky high i.e you take too much


Our body is temporary anyway. Damaging it by "toxins" is NOTHING in comparison to mis-programming your intellect with false feedback caused by hallucinogens.

Your intellect CAN repair your body. It has built it in the first place, cell by cell.

But even the purest and best looking body cannot restore the lost intelligence


Why have drugs been used by native cultures for spiritual/healing rituals in the past and present if they are damaging to our astral body as stated in the book Abduction to the Ninth Planet?


The main reason for the use of drugs is ignorance, I suppose.


Are drugs only damaging to intellect or are there drugs that enhance intellect? What about 5-htp for example, the metabolic precursor to seretonin? Would this classify as a drug that damages or enhances the chemistry of the brain? To respond to a question of yours from an earlier post, many cultures have achieved 'spiritual' results in the form of respect for nature and a greater feeling of empathy for the earth, ie Native American culture, many different native tribes in South America. By taping into a natural function of brain chemistry they have used various organic compounds to commune with animal & plant spirits and to develop the ability to see auras.


Our intellect has NOTHING to do with the 'chemistry'.

However, chemistry can ALTER OUR PERCEPTION, create "illusions", "hallucinations", dizziness, dreaming, sleepiness, etc.. Such ALTERED perception is providing FALSE information to our intellect, thereby cluttering it with pure misinformation about the Reality of the Universe.

Every society that used drugs has quickly degraded to almost nothing. Intellectual capacity of members of such societies is barely sufficient to maintain some primitive rituals.

The intellect of drug users eventually becomes comparable to that of an animal. (see the reference [2] to The Freedom of Choice)


To what degree does a change in perception warrant a substance being classified as a drug? What separates food from drugs?


We should avoid substances that alter our perception of Reality of the Universe. If a substance is KNOWN to alter perception - it is best to avoid it.

Another aspect is addictiveness. If we become addicted to anything - we lose control on certain aspects of our behavior - our Freedom of Choice is severely compromised.


What is the difference between a drug and medicine? Does medicine that clouds or impairs the intellect qualify as a damaging drug?


Any "medicine" that alters or falsifies our sensations and our perception of Reality is potentially damaging for our consciousness and intellect.

We do not know enough about Nature of our Consciousness (how the information is stored and retrieved) to be able to define a "safe drug" strategy. My attitude is to avoid unnecessary chemicals.


A glass of wine does not alter my perception. Some doctors assure that alcohol (wiskey) in small proportions is good somehow for the blood flow in old people. Can alcohol (even in small proportions) be regarded as a drug?


You have TOTAL Freedom of Choice. If you are not sure - you can experiment and pay attention to consequences. Moderation seems essential.

Would you drink a glass of wine or whiskey before University examination? Ho w much would you drink if you were to appear on TV? What happens to your intellectual capabilities? Sensitivity? Perception?


The Native American culture still exists today even though the American government has used a continual program of racial genocide and racism to undermine their existence. Native Americans have used peyote as a part of their tribal rituals for many generations in the quest for spiritual insight and connection with the Earth. The knowledge of this culture as related to nature and its healing ability is currently being researched and given the credit it duly deserves. This is an example of a culture, which currently exists, that has used plants that exist in nature with greater understanding of their potential for healing and spiritual insight. Peyote is classified as a drug by the US government but the Native American culture still requested the right to use this plant as part of their religion and they have not 'disintegrated', but on the contrary have survived continual persecution by the US government. Many individuals which I have met throughout my life have taught me about the spiritual insights gained from their usage of peyote, marijuana, mushrooms and other organic materials in the proper environment with spiritual intentions for the experience. They have relayed to me the existence of auras and the ability to see them many years before the book Abduction to the 9th Planet was published. Many individuals often confuse these naturally occuring 'drugs' with synthetic(man-made) 'drugs', which I know from personal experience that the synthesized 'drugs' are very damaging. In America there is a yearly event called the 'Rainbow Gathering'. The purpose of this event is to bring the spiritual knowledge of the individuals of Earth together in a peaceful environment so the exchange of information can take place without suppression or intimidation. Many individuals take organic drugs at this event and comeback healthier and more spiritually aware. In the US, pharmecutical companies have used politics and money to corrupt the medical community so that expensive, less effective synthetic drugs are used over natural drugs which are safer, cheaper and more effective.


Which drug do you take to become more intelligent?

I need to learn one more language and play a musical instrument. Can ANY drug help me?

Which drug would you give to your child to pass an exam at the University?

There are NO SHORTCUTS in the spiritual and intellectual evolution. However, you have The Freedom of Choice to do whatever makes sense to you - and face its consequences.


How do you define intelligence? Drugs do not give you technical knowledge which would help you pass an exam at a University. The knowledge you gain at a University and many other schools is academic knowledge. What about intuition? Do drugs enhance your intuition? What is the difference between a shortcut and a longcut in spiritual evolution? What about physical evolution? Is that separated from spiritual and intellectual evolution?


Intelligence may be defined as 'the ability to LEARN'. This definition applies ANY new skill, whether academic or practical, abstract, physical or spiritual.

The more intelligent a person is - the quicker he/she can learn ANYTHING new - from meditation to windsurfing. The more we use our intelligence - the more intelligent we become.

Many drugs (alcohol) are known to supress inhibitions and sabotage the process of learning.


Moderation seems essential with every thing you take into your body including salt and sugar, What about marijuana?

Marijuana taken in moderation does not dull your sensitivity or perception unlike alcohol in fact it heightens your perception and intuition even the sense of touch gets better

Since it is not a hallucinogen you don't mis-programming your intellect with false feedback.


Would it assist in my learning? I need to solve the problem that was too difficult for Einstein to figure out. Do you think that any 'substance' can cause development of intellect?

Isn't supression of inhibitions CHEATING of the Self? Doesn't it encourage people to become DEPENDANT on 'antidepressant' just to to feel good?

Do you realize that people who rely on "substances" to feel good - choose to AVOID development of the SELF?

We surely do not know enough about all consequences of using drugs, hence I adopt and promote the attitude of avoiding them.


Hi Tom, recently I read an article in Time magazine, that talked about the 'downsides and benefits' of the drug ecstasy, saying that the popularity of it is increasing.

Now, isn't it amazing how some people just have no idea how damaging their 'work' is, especially when they have over two pages on 'benefits'(?) alone? It must seem truly extraordinary to those who 'have eyes and see'.


In The Book "media" were defined as one of 4 MAIN dangers on Earth that FAR surpass dangers of atomic weaponry. Now you understand WHY...

So far, every civilization in the past that adopted using drugs as a way of life TOTALLY COLLAPSED to a very primitive state... Do you know what it means?


There have been campagins and demostrations held legally in western countries that advocated the legal use of recreation drugs. Not allowing such campaigns would infringe the freedom of speech! By not allowing people to take marijuana their freedom of choice is infringed!

I am not surprised that some countries have actually legalized the 'recreational' use of drugs. But, all choices come with consequences. Unfortunately, most of the time the cosequences are being taken lightly by governments, much like in the case of planetary pollution.


The choice to use drugs (or not) is with INDIVIDUAL PEOPLE.

Would you drink gasoline or wear an Uranium necklace, just because it was made "legal" or got promoted by the mass media? It is the lack of information combined with deliberate MISINFORMATION that prevent people from becoming aware of the true danger of drugs. Without having enough information it is quite difficult to make truly conscious decisions... That is why I keep writing books and run this Forum. Does it help?


Yes, it does help, but IF AND ONLY IF a person first becomes aware of the existence of such books (and websites), AND has (I believe) someone talk to them about why they should EVEN BOTHER taking an initial look at the books and websites.

I've tried for some time ( and will continue to learn how to do this better ) to expose people to books such as the Freedom or The Book, but, in many cases, I found that people just AREN'T ready to be presented with such 'different' information. Many, from my experience, just don't see the point. When they just DON'T WANT to 'check it out', I think that they aren't even fully informed to even make A TRUE CHOICE -- I guess they ARE making 'a choice', but one which is still based on a lack of information.

That's why I think the best method would probably be not only by devoting time and planned effort to set up websites and write books (which is needed in the first place), but also A METHOD to make people aware, with the desired result that they HAVE A LOOK. People are needed who would personally talk and encourage others' to 'have a look', who would be able to 'filter away' others' criticisms.


The Universe is designed with the GREAT wisdom. Individual intellects are given a CHOICE and enough toys to learn OR totally destroy themselves QUICKLY.

Influencing the Freedom of Choice of those who choose drugs (by making drugs harder to get for example) we just SLOW DOWN (if not sabotage completely) the magnificently designed SELF-CORRECTING mechanism of the Universe.

We should only help people who
1) ASK for help and WANT it
2) are capable of helping THEMSELVES after being given a temporary assistance.

Trying to help people who do not meet the above criteria is a pure waste of time. Would you help people who become DEPENDANT on your help and blame YOU if you choose one day to limit your assistance?

If you decide to try to help such people - you will discover that your "help" actually slows down your OWN spiritual evolution and LIMITS your Freedom of Choice. Have you ever tried swimming when several people hang on your neck?


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