Electro-photonic consciousness?

In the information that comes from the book about consciousness-electron division, {the 19% and 81%} it also occurrs to me that possibly the psyche and astral body electrons themselves {Thaora said that psyche is part of astral body} divide similarly {although not necessarily in the exact way}.

I read your article on the quantum computing. One electron having all memory of all 4e21 e's? Sounds similar to how the brain is able to function even withouth all of it functioning. Probably this self-electronic capability has something to do with that?


In private discussions Michel confirmed that there are indeed certain "memory allocations" for electrons in our astral body (consciousness, sub-conscious processes, various interfaces with physical body, Higher Self etc.), much like folders on our hard disks.

One electron has definitely a LIMITED memory capacity (@20Gb?). 4e21 electrons have 4e21 times more storage capacity.

It is quite possible that every electron contains some "executive summary" of the information stored elsewhere.

When I think about reconstructing the information from a single electron, I see a considerable analogy to HOLOGRAPHY. The entire recorded image can be reconstructed from a tiny fragment of the hologram. The smaller the fragment, however, the poorer the resolution and quality of the reconstruction. Details are lost, only the main features remain.

Hence, when we restrict the information exchange to a limited number of "coherent" electrons - only very basic functions of our consciousness become possible.

I would like to STRESS the "coherence" of the information. Increasing the amount of memory and/or hard disk space wouldn't help your computer even a tiny bit - when the critical part of the information (operating system) is scrambled by a virus.


In the case of drugs, I can reason that a part of this 'process' must be chemical. However the way chemicals/sound interact with the psyche {the part that is said to be the recieving end of the drug/noise damage} is this known today to any extent? Other then the light/noise ratio --wait!

The 'light and sound of creation' are the descriptions of the canal that leads from the inside of the brain/chakras through the astral body, back to the higherself of the individual. Therefore

1. Drugs distort the light - chemically
2. Noise distorts the sound - harmonically


Chemistry is also electromagnetic. Every atom is just an electromagnetic form of oscillation.

Our consciousness seems to be ENCODED in certain forms of such oscillations.

Acoustic noise causes atoms and molecules to oscillate. Such motion causes electromagnetic fluctuations too. Certain motion of atoms and molecules may interfere with the information exchange in our consciousness.


Tom, are you sure that the whole consciousness is encoded in electrons? Then how much electrons do we need to build consciousness? ok, I agree that we can make an intellect, memory, etc of electrons, but in my view the CONSCIOUSNESS itself is something different. How can the oscillations KNOW about their existance? Note that I strictly separate the intellect and the consciousness as two completely different things. I can imagine a non-conscious intellectual robot who would _SAY_ that he is aware of it's existance. Isn't it some other dimmension, etc., where true us exist? Intuitively, I cannot accept that I am just a program of intellect, no matter how complicated.


Consider your consciousness to be AUTONOMOUS and self-developing software, encoded and processed in @4e21 electrons, each having about 10GB storage capacity.

The key word above is autonomous. Whe have yet to imagine how to make our software to "enjoy" its own awareness (or any other pleasure).

The essence of consciousness is the ability to create, process, receive and transmit information autonomously. Electrons (and possibly other sub-atomic bits) provide the necessary hardware for the information storage and processing. If you knew how to program autonomy and self-awareness into resources naturally available in the sub-atomic world - you would be able to create living things. Please read this article for more details.

You are welcome to seek "some other dimension". However, if you try to determine what should be the "essence" of such a dimension - you will come to the concusion summarized in the paragraphs above.


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