Hello Tom, Do you have any information on my following question: The Thiaoouba Prophecy book says that electrons (which our Astral bodies are made of) have a life-span of ten billion trillion Earth years. Does this mean that we eventually stop to exist, although it is our purpose to evolve Spiritually?
This seems highly unlikely and I refuse to believe so unless explained further. Do you have any knowledge about this matter?
Everything material eventually disintegrates. The lifespan of electrons (and this Universe) is estimated in the Thiaoouba book to be 1022 of our years. This means that after 1022 years electrons will be useless as the information storage medium and won't be able to store any Consciousness.
Note, however, that this Universe is not the first and won't be the last. Please read the topic "Imagining something new" (all parts) at this Forum for more details. Every next Universe contained the best information from the previous one. This is how Great Intellect itself evolved and it is likely that the process will continue for us too.
So, if you would like to continue your conscious existence into the next Universe, you need to be sufficiently evolved to attract attention of Great Intellect who designs the next Big Bang. If your Consciousness is only able to generate clutter - chances that you will get "copied" into the next Universe are slim.
As you can see - the ONLY way to continue your conscious existence is to evolve spiritually (advance your consciousness). There is simply no other way.
For more information please read the "Chance or Choice" article at http://nujournal.net.
Tom are you sure that the GI will continue to create universes filled with better and better information to evolve itself? To me that gives the impression the GI is never content and always wants more and more love and intellect, but is that not how the ego works (always wanting more)? The ego is inherently selfish and isn't a goal of spiritual development to go beyond that selfishness?
It makes more sense to me that there should be an end-point to this constant feed of information and the GI will be satisfied and no longer need material universes to fulfill its spiritual need
You forget that for Consciousness (information) to exist there needs to exist a medium to hold the encoded information. Material Universe containing electrons, photons etc. provides such a medium for 1022 years. Not considering the New Universe is equivalent to GI terminating not only its own existence after 1022 years, but existence of everyone who will evolve in this Universe while it exist. Can't you see that this would be the most egoistic and cruel choice?
In order to grasp the concept, imagine that your hard disk is about to crash tomorrow. What would you do? Abandon computing forever? Sensible people acquire a new hard disk (or a new computer) before the old one crashes and copy across all information that is important to them. Now the important bit: what happens to all clutter and irrelevant information on the crashed disk? It is not backed up and hence vanishes.
The hard disk is an example of a storage media with limited lifespan and illustrates that information can exist forever, even if the storage medium that holds it is temporary. All that is needed is to create a new medium and transfer important information across before the old medium disintegrates. Now try to apply this concept to the Universe that disintegrates in 1022 years.
Isn't it clear that the "end-point" doesn't really make any sense and hence it is highly unlikely choice for anyone intelligent and in particular for Great Intellect?
If a New Universe is on schedule after 1022 years, surely there would be some mention of this in at least some ancient scriptures. Any evidence of this?
@2000 years ago Jesus was asked by Thomas [2] to tell about "the end". The wise man's response was:
"Have you already discovered the beginning, that now you seek after the end? For where the beginning is, the end will be."
I think this is quite an explicit hint that the next Big Bang is on schedule.
The only way for us to get "copied" into the next Universe is to continue to develop our individual consciousness. "Use it or lose it" as an old proverb says.