Eradicating suicide using intellect?

Hello Tom!
I got great news! A month ago, Lisa lent a Freedom book to one of her friends, who's suffering from depressions and suicidal thoughts. Yesterday Lisa went to her place and found out how much your book helped her! Girl's mother thanked Lisa so much, and called Lisa a "saviour". Lisa's friend isn't suicidal anymore, and she now has answers for many of her questions because of your book!

The girls' doctor (psychiatrist) became curious about dramatic improvement in her attitude, and she told him about your book. He became very interested in it, and wants to know more about it. They even asked if it is available in Swedish so they could purchase it to the ward, as an aid of treating young people. Some colleagues of the psychiatrist also became very interested.

So I have to translate your book quickly! There is hope if even psychatrists recognise the book. Maybe they can help me publish it in Swedish. And it only took Lisas friend a month to change her attitude to life, that's wonderful.

I hope you get more inspiration from this event. Thank you again for writing the book. Yours


Thank you Andreas, this really IS great news. Please pass my gratitude to Lisa for her idea of trying to use the Freedom to help her friend. The BEST and permanent way to help people is to awaken their intellect.


Hi Tom, I am really moved by a story of a young woman who has 'cured' herself from depression and suicidal thoughts after reading Freedom of Choice. I cannot think of a better reward for your work! Thank you for being there! [Kasia]

Hello Tom!To tell the truth,there are no words to express what your book means to me.Thanks to You, I was able to put all the thoughts in my mind together and in the correct order. I did not know why I was imaginating many things,many places and pictures. After reading Your book-I have understood.What is more-I understand it now and I am truly grateful for every word written by You.


Thank you for your kind words.


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