Exercise with the cross

See also http://thiaoouba.com/aura_eye_exercise.htm


When I do the cross exercise, I never see four circles. I am managing to get them together for a bit. I'm getting better every time. Do some people have vision problems that can make this exercise more difficult?


When one eye is much weaker than the other - you may need to adjust the size and/or brightness of one of the dots. You may experiment with covering one of the images with a piece of semi-transparent "tracing paper" to "blurr" one of the images.


Hi Tom, What are your views on improving (normal) vision. I really would like to lay away my glasses...


Do what feels right and makes sense to you.

Personally I learned to APPRECIATE my poor vision. It prompted me to look WITHIN...


After practicing with the cross-exercise, I haven´t been able to distinguish the color of people´s auras. Nevertheless, I can perceive a soft white shadow around some people (only when there is a white background available). I can only distinguish a surtain color in the aura of figures when looking at a plane-colored one. What do you suggest me so that I can see colors in people's auras? Should I just keep practicing until the day I can see it clearly?


Practice is essential, but do not dismiss other possibilities. Work on your MOTIVES. Ask yourself - WHY do I want to see Auras? What NEXT?


Tom, I have been seeing a yellow glow around almost anything I see, a door, a door frame, furniture, people, curtains, phones, computers, you name it... I can also see the auras with primary colours as such like Green off a Red surface and the like especially with a soft white matt finish background... I guess my main concern is.. Why am I seeing all these bordering glows of yellow around things, and have for over 15 - 20 years... ?? I am 32 at present... {Michael}

Michael Massoud

Everyone sees "colors around colors" to a degree. Yellow-green is the first color we notice, simply because our eyes are the most sensitive to it.

We see "colors around colors" because our eyes are capable of INCREASING sensitivity if the stimulus is WEAK. When you look at something red - the green and blue "sensors" in our eye receive very weak stimulation. When they increase their sensitivity - you see blue-green around your red.

Let me point out that this is NOT an "aura". However, the above technique of SENSITIZING our perception is essential to see real auras.


dear tom, I have been able to precive auras for 2 years now, the only problem is I DON'T see color. I see a mist or 'haze' around everythingliving and non-living (like rocks ect.) but I see NO color. The 'haze' seems to followthe person like an extention of themselves. Am I seeing auras?


Perhaps. You need to "calibrate" your perception to make sure that you can extract INFORMATION from what you see. Exercises (above) will help.

When I explained techniques of seeing auras to my son, who was 12 at the time, he said "well, when I was little I saw this all the time, but since no one was mentioning it - I thought that there was something wrong with my eyes..."


Would you have other exercises to improve the peripherical vision apart from those in your web site ? Joy, Peace and Love for you !!! MERCI !

Valdemar (Paris)

I have found exercises with the cross to be the simplest and most effective.


Tom, you say begginners should only concentrate for short periods and slowly build there way up to harder longer periods of concentration in the cross exercise.

Even though I know that everyone is different and that they should tailor the exercises to their own need, I was wondering if you could make some sort of basic plan which we can do in order to build our intelect. Such a plan would make it alot easier to know what to do and when.


Intellect doesn't evolve according to a "plan". It would be misleading to say "do this so many times a day and you become intelligent". Motivation to "think and understand" should come from WITHIN your Intellect.

However, I noticed that practicing the "cross" exercise for several minutes before and after meditation everyday has a very stimulating and balancing effect on the mind. My thoughts become focused and I am never short of new ideas.

Every time I have a problem that I want to resolve, the combination of meditation and the cross exercise works like magic. The other thing that works for me is meditation in the shower or in the bath.


Dear Tom, I am starting to get very good at the cross exercise and am wondering if it is viable to make 2 sets of crosses (one above another) and get them both to cross. This seems like a fairly logical next step. Do you have any suggestions for future cross exercises? Also we could consider putting fairly large text next to the cross exercise so that we can read it thereby improving our peripheral vision.


More crosses: yes, you can even look at a tile pattern in your bathroom or any regular mesh. However, the "tile" pattern/mesh is MUCH easier to look and what is supposed to be a "concentration" exercise becomes more like relaxation/entertainment.

Text - yes, training your peripheral vision is definitely a step in the positive direction. Please feel free to share your experiments and experiences.


Can eyesight problems be a hindrance to the concentration exercises? I have a severe astigmatism in my left eye and it changes my focus over the other eye when I try to look at the circles.


Yes, eyesight problems present additional challenge, especially if one eye is much weaker or very different than another.

Try a cross composed from different intensity images. Find out what your weaker eye sees best and make use of it. For the stronger (leading) eye use weaker intensity image (thiner lines).

My logic suggests that by insisting on achieving and balancing the cross you may create conditions to exercise and improve your eyesight.


Hi Tom, I am looking for any spec for size of the diagram needed for the concentration exercise.

Do the circles need to be exact ? cheers,

Aelan Keeber

The size depends on how far away you place them. If you place them 1.5-2 meters in front of your eyes, their centers need to be spaced by approximately the same distance as your eyes.

The farther the circles - the more spaced and larger they can be.

Note, that it is the distance between their centers that matters, not the size of circles. For this reason, people with poor eyesight can still do these exercises by using larger circles and thicker lines. If one eye is much weaker than the other, one circle can be much brighter than the other circle.


Hello Tom, I was just wondering about the Cross- excercises, I have found I can fairly easily get the cross in place without using a finger in front of my eyes, but after doing so the rest of the day or at least quite a few hours I find my eyes feel a bit weird, also the front area of head behind eyes is like a really dull headache, or hollow/dizzy feeling. I am not straininng to see the cross etc.. but to me it doesn't seem natural to cross your eyes for minutes at a time you know?? I do understand the logic of training your left and right side to co-operate and to have more conscious control, but is there another way you know of to do this??


Sure. You can try to write with one hand and draw with another in the same time. Or try to compose beautiful music and play it on some instrument in the same time. Good luck.

I found the exercise with the cross to be the best among the best. Just don't overdo it. Try it when you are upset or have some problem to solve. Then take a rest and pay attention to what your mind becomes capable of.


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