Helping others?

Hi Tom, I have a question about the self-correcting design of the Universe.

It's about helping others. Take all the starving people in the world. My point of understanding is that they choose a life in starvation and poverty to learn something. So what about helping them? If I support those people and help them to a decent life, don't I disturb their learning process?

And if helping others like that is ok, what can I do to really help? It feels like I can't do much more than give money to organizations and hope that they really use it to help those people.


The best way is always to help others to help themselves. Some people starve, simply because they do not see certain opportunities. Bringing such opportunities to their attention doesn't interfere with their Freedom of Choice.

Also, the state of mind that we call "suffering" stops existing, when we develop a precise mental picture of it, i.e. we establish reasons and the Purpose for undergoing certain experiences WITHIN ourselves. It even worked in Nazi death camps. Have you read Dr. Viktor E. Frankl book "Man's Search for Meaning"? He survived 3 years there and reports that a common attitude among survivors was that of Seeking and Finding their own Meaning of Life.

After I read this book, I realized that in most cases complaining is no more than just winging.


Finally I finished the book, I went travelling across the borders of existence feeling good about not being alone perceiving the world out there, at the same time currently in real life I am making it a point to let others see how important aligning your true purpose with that of the universe is, but how do I make it simpler, without pushing others and without hurting myself?

My friend said I must have been inadequate to feel hurt(that hurts too); I don't understand, when I can see abundance and as much as I am giving my best, people just could not receive; it's not them right? It must have been me; I am confused.

In being the givers we need receivers, probably I am not being grateful enough, I don't know. (telling them they are not ready won't help either, they feel hurt) may be I am not ready? What say you?


The main lesson in the Universe seems to be to attain Love and become Loved.

This is only possible when we do not force people to make their choices. We can only 'manifest' ourselves and our actions for other people to consider.

Don't feel inadequate, just because people cannot comprehend what you are trying to 'give' them. It is a MAJOR challenge to inspire people to appreciate your intentions.

Consider The Great Intellect. He MANIFESTED himself magnificently and yet - how many people appreciate it? Isn't our entire society openly abusing Nature? Try to use intellect to find out what works, what doesn't and why. Analyze results of your actions to modify your choices.


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