I would like to share this experience with other members of the forum, it is an example of how ironic life can be.
I purchased the chakra shirt from BioResonant about 1 year ago now and have worn it nearly every day since. For the first few weeks I kept it hidden from my girlfriend fearing ridicule but finally I plucked up the courage to show her. My instincts were correct, there was a lot of laughing and comments about a waste of money, etc. I wasn't too upset as I knew she has a closed mind to such things.
I decided to try and persuade her to wear the shirt for herself and finally managed to do so. After wearing the shirt for about five minutes she said that objects around me had a sought of green glow to them. I tried to get her to be more specific but she couldn't really describe it and I wasn't sure whether she was being serious anyway.
About six months later I started to do the cross exercises to try and develop my auric sight, this was once again met with laughs and comments about a waste of time, etc. One evening, while we were out I tried explaining about auras and to my amazement she asked whether that was the white outline she could see around people. I said that was part of it and if she stared at the white outline longer the whole aura would appear. She tried this on me and lo and behold my aura appeared to her. She then tried it on a few of the other people in the restaurant around us with great success.
My aura turns out to be, the majority of the time, green in color, which explains the green glow she could see when wearing the shirt six months earlier. After this she would try and see the auras of everyone, and if the person kept still long enough, the aura would appear. She was quite shocked though at the aura of smoker, it was a nasty brown color.
What I find so ironic is the fact that I would really like the ability to see auras like her, but she, who has no difficulties seeing Auras - has no interest in developing her Auric vision any further. Still - noticing auras has opened her eyes to the fact that there is more to life that she thought and I no longer get ridiculed for my 'strange' interests.
Seeing anything is not interesting at all, if we cannot UNDERSTAND what it is, what it means and how we can benefit from this information.
Take a book in Chinese for example. Every character may be very easy to 'see' - but would you be interested to look at them if you didn't understand what they mean?
Try to suggest to her that there might be a possibility to "read a person's mind" or "intentions" - just by READING the Aura.