I need to KNOW Everything!

I agree with your advice of 'trying to see a lesson in everything', and to use our Freedom of Choice to decide whether or not we want to pursue something.

For example, I would not mind learning how to use a drill, simply because it is there to be learned and I will have the satisfaction later that I KNOW how to operate the drill (that would be My reason for learning how to operate the drill). A drill serves a purpose in it's own right. And, when considering drills and what they are used for, I would then think about what else can be used for the tasks that drills perform - even think and try to 'imagine' and 'invent' in my head other tools that could perform similar tasks. I may not even have a NEED to use drills in any way - but, having acquired the knowledge about their operation ALREADY - that will leave me with OTHER things to learn, just so that I KNOW how they work.

To me, acquiring knowledge of ANY KIND and then analyzing it and deciding consciously how to use it (or whether to use it at all) is SO logical and SO 'normal', that I CHOOSE to maintain this 'frame of mind'. This is a pleasant choice, because I 'know' (because I have imagined it also), that a choice to 'not acquire ANY or even SOME knowledge' leaves me with unpleasant feelings of inadequacy.

I NEED to KNOW Everything, and I will NEVER stop until I do - even if it takes me the rest of this lifetime (one of many) to just advance one small step on the 'whole scale'.

Remember, at our stage of evolution (on Earth), IF we want to develop more, we can ONLY increase the level of our knowledge - choosing to do otherwise would for me be a total waste of this material existence.

I've also noticed over the years a NEED to VARY the way I acquire understanding and knowledge. For example, I've come to realize that although reading books is an avenue of increasing knowledge, it is NOT ENOUGH. By reading books, we use reading and the knowledge goes into our heads, and we THINK about that knowledge. I've decided that I also need to use physical EXPERIENCE as a tool to increase knowledge - simply because the 'opportunity to physically experience material reality is there'.

The bottom line is that experiencing CONTRASTS just 'feels' correct to me. If I experience more of something, then I 'instantly' develop a NEED to experience more of ANOTHER thing - because everytime that I experience DIFFERENT things, my level of knowledge ALWAYS increases - and it is SO SIMPLE to me, that I just CAN'T use my limited (Earthly) intellect to describe it (DESCRIBING my ideas so that others CAN understand them is my BIGGEST challenge sofar)

Words such as 'Impossible' or 'Limit' are just words invented by human beings who did not posses enough knowledge at the time to avoid inventing it. It remains to be seen whether we will choose to develop far enough so that we could permanently cease to use the above words (especially when presented with something new, some new idea)


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