I think, therefore I am makes sense

Hi Tom,
I do not know words to say or how to express the feelings that are comingin/to me, reading through your book. It is moving me far beyond any othermanuscript I have ever read.It feels like this: there is a spark of understanding born. It was there thewhole time, but I did not see it. It is something I know from the verybeginning. I'm on page 41 now...and I experience a 'yes..yes..yes' in my mind.

You have found a very effective way to communicate this understanding...dissecting the understanding into pieces and build it up again to thepure thought it is.

Suddenly sayings like 'I think, therefore I am' makes very good sense..pointing to the conscious intellect (which is) needed to - be... and fromthis saying also the state in which we seem to be lost: 'I am, therefore Ithink', which I see as the way back to the Nothing. Love and Light,


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