Is everything a vibration?

If everything in the universe is a vibration, how are these vibrations generated? Are they conciously controlled by intellect? Is everything material just a vibration generated by intelligence?


Vibrations that we perceive today started at the time of the Big Bang. Most of the vibrations are actually the NATURAL forms of oscillations of the Universe.

When you swing a pendulum - it will move with its "natural motion" without anyone having to control it. Natural vibration however, will eventually decay. This is exactly what happens to every atom and every "particle" in the Universe.

If you bang a bell, natural vibrations will be more complex. If you bang the Empty Space intelligently enough and with sufficient intensity - you will make the Universe.

Individual Intellects (including the Great Intellect) can and actually DO modify these natural oscillations to meet their needs. This is how we make plastics, computers, building materials and this is how The Great Intellect makes stars, planets, galaxies and living organisms.


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