I found that Earth seems ready to change magnetic poles: http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/story/0,3605,748510,00.htmlIs the situation described in this article being worsened by human activity?
Planetary and stellar magnetic pole shifts are inevitable consequences of the nature of planetary and stellar cores (super-heavy, decaying reactors that become more eccentric as they decay). I have explained it in appendix 3 to the core article.
For your reference, I quote a part of this explanation here: "As the eccentricity of theinner core gradually increases on the geological time scale (millions of years), it is actually inevitable that, from time to time, suddenand very major adjustments to the EarthÂ’s axis of rotation take place."
"The isotope and ion composition of the decaying inner core change in time. The relative motion of the electrically charged eccentriccore inside Earth explains the origin of the magnetic field of our planet. Temporal changes in the electrical charge of decaying eccentriccores explain magnetic pole reversals (”pole shifts”) observed in planetary and stellar objects (Sun).
Note that for all practical purposes this constitutes a proof that the inner core of our planet has been eccentric for quite some time(hundreds of millions of years) and that the next ”pole shift” in the future is actually inevitable."
Pole shifts and overheating of inner core reactors are both natural phenomena. On the Sun they happen every 11 years.
On Earth changes are not so frequent. Excessive pollution of the atmosphere, however, reduces the ability of the atmosphere to transmit the heat from the planetary interior into space.
Appendix 4 to this article explains that the TINIEST reduction in the coolong rate of the planetary core below its heat generating capacity, when sustained for sufficiently long time, leads to EXTREME temperature rises in the center of the core. The cumulative effect is HYPERBOLIC and leads to nuclear explosion.
Hence, the core has to cool down. What if polluted atmosphere traps too much heat for too long?