Hi Tom, If intellect is Jam proof under your theory, then how would you explain hallucination ?
The intelect is jam proof to a degree. Hallucinations have little to do with intellect. They seem to be a result of distorted perception.
The etiology of hallucinations has yet to be determined adequately by anyone on our planet. There are certain theories that relate hallucinations to unstable biochemical reactions in the brain (reductionist) while other theories relate hallucinations to the shattering of the psyche (Jungian) and yet other theories explain hallucinations as the spontaneous awakening of Kundalini energy (transpersonal).
Hallucinations are even considered a pre-requisite or initiation for healing in certain religious practices such as shamanism. It appears the real problem lies in the fact that people lose contact with reality and can no longer orientate themselves to their environment or other people around them. Hallucinations seem to occur independently of the functioning of the intellect as Tom suggests, because there are often periods in a persons life where they suffer from hallucinations, followed by periods of stability where the hallucinations are non-existent and people return to normal intellectual functioning.
My own theory is that a person has inadvertently torn or damaged their third eye (brow chakra) at a certain stage of their life, which makes them predisoposed to hallucinations. My evidence for this is linked to reports of people engaging in long-term and incorrect chi-gung and yoga practices (to stimulate the third eye) reporting similar experiences to what we refer to as hallucinations. It seems that if the third eye is overly stimulated or the chakras are wrongly stimulated, it can cause problems in our ability to deal with and perceive reality.
Funnily enough, the majority of people on this planet seem to be operating under a collective hallucination where pursuing money and big houses and fast cars, fighting each other, and allowing ourselves to be brainwashed by politicians, religions, gurus and cults, are believed to lead us to happiness, even though it never has in the past and never will in the future.
Often those with the most alternative ideas are ridiculed by the majority as eccentric, strange, mentally ill, experiencing hallucinatons etc and yet later, when they are proven correct are idolized by the same people who condemned them. History repeats itself again and again and yet so few people learn!!!