I would like to know your thoughts on the following: joining the army to defend the Freedom of your country, and in a war having to kill people of enemy nations. What would you do in that position, having to kill people to defend your life/freedom and the lives/freedom of millions of others. Thanks in advance.
By joining the army you almost totally surrender your Freedom of Choice. You become a "puppet" in hands of narrow minded politicians and their generals, who invent and perpetuate conflicts.
Most leaders on Earth lead their nations NOWHERE. They really have no clue where to "lead" and WHY. "Winning a war" appears to them as a chance to claim "success", even though they fail in all other accounts.
The REAL Freedom of your conscious existence is your Freedom of Thought. No one can take it away from you - you can only surrender int YOURSELF. Please read this article for more explanation.
A "nation" or a "society" that is worth something, would have elected intelligent leaders who would avoid conflicts and hence do not have "enemies" to begin with.
As for me, I would rather die or become crucified than become a puppet commanded to kill fellow passengers of spaceship Earth, who are simply mislead. "The danger does not lie in the death of the physical body, as millions believe: the danger exists in the way in which one lives" [1]. The most important are CHOICES that you make.