Leadership after survival?

Still, though natural disasters to come seems a quite efficient wake up call, what the heck about the fact that if millions of people die from these cataclysms, there may only be about 140 or 400 fortunate-enough people untouched by famine, disease or cannibalism, left on earth -all scattered about...

how would new leadership be able to work, without any technology left, or anything? It would kind of be the end of technological society as we know it, or even in any remote respect.


It is really simple. Just imagine a small group of people who survived and need to start from scratch.

Wouldn't it be the most natural for them to listen to a person who knows what to do and how to do it in order to improve their situation?

Do you think that they will follow those who accumulate possessions and make "business"?


Tom, In response to Avi I would like to offer a different question. How could people not want to follow leadership that offered alternatives to what we have today?

People have survived without our level of technology in the past, and it is just conditioning if any of us think that life has become easier because of technology and therefore technology is necessary for survival and communication.

People are likely to be exposed to the immense changes in physiology that come from connecting and being closer to nature and find this so good they will be unlikely to want to return to the old ways.

My hypothesis is that cataclysms are likely to humble people a great deal and that long term exposure to nature after the destruction from cataclysms will make it very very difficult for people to chose to go back or want to go back to our civilisation as it currently is. I also wonder whether our friends from above will help take care of those who are left ? [pauld]

This discussion makes me sad. As if it was already over. - Who guarantees that those will survive who have most intellect? Or that people would listen to them, then? I mean they do not do it right now, why should they do it then? Now they don't listen EVEN though they are suffering. Should they open their ears if they suffer more? I cannot see the logic in here... Let's be optimistic.


Even though there is no "guarantees" it doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to make our best in explaining the Reality and trying to survive. Just in case SOME people will choose to listen...

In the meantime, while our leaders focus on wars and gossip, activity of 900 (NINE HUNDRED) volcanoes has been confirmed in Andes alone, where in the past only 50 volcanoes were considered as 'potentially active'. "For most of the world's volcanoes, we have no idea of their level of activity" said Professor Simons from Caltech ...

Should "optimism" be an excuse to disregard Reality?


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