During the years, I have been in situations where I used my intellect to do small 'illegal' things. A classic example is riding the bus without paying. I have my reasons for doing this, in this case I protest against paying for public transportation. (Which my opition should be free for all.) I have never done something bigger like stealing, but I can understand that some people would call my free bus-rides stealing. So I'm asking, is this civil obedience bad for my evolution? Or in other words, am I misusing my intellect (and ultimately slowing down my personal evolution) if I do small 'illegal' things like this, even when I have a reason?
Human defined "law" has typically little to do with the Universe and its Purpose.
For example, the journey of the spacecraft Earth around the Sun is totally free of charge to begin with. Anyone who charges for a ticket gives evidence that he/she has no clue about the Big Picture.
It is a plain fairness to express your appreciation and gratitude when you use services that are organised and provided by other people (such as transportation). "Legality" of the situation is almost irrelevant. You should find enough conscience WITHIN to express your appreciation to the bus driver, people who made and maintain the bus to be safe and reliable and people who organise the service.
If you cannot see a reason for appreciating the service then you should not use it. For example - if you do not like city transport - you should use a bicycle.