Lessons from dreams?

I had an incredibly lucid dream one night. I was in a garden. I was going towards this young man who was sitting on a roman-like, cement, fainting couch,(legs stretched out in front of him.) He was holding a pomegranite. I was close enough to him to see his garment. At first I thought it was Jesus, but I quickly realized that it was not.

This young man was wearing a white robe that was sort of open in the front. It had to the wrist flowing large sleeves. It had a smoky royal blue and muted gold embroidery going around the neck and then down the front on both sides to his feet. The embroidery also went all of the way around the ends of the sleeves. He had a little cap on his head. It looked like an american sailors hat only much shorter in the brim. It also had the embroidery around the entire brim.This man appeared to be about 22, maybe a little younger. He had just a little bit of a beard, maybe just a little gotee. Brown eyes and a long aquiline nose, very nice nose.

I've read that we all have other selves. I believe that you mentioned something like that in The Freedom Of Choice. I was thinking about reaching out and grabbing this guy by the neck. He looked so pleased with himself. I felt that he was very connected with me and I wanted to ask him why he was so happy and I was here doing all of the work.

This dream was so real. The colors, garden, clothing. I was just about to take a very close look at the symbols of the embroidery and I don't remember anything else. I wonder who that was?


Why do you think I should know? You are the only person who can answer this question.

In lucid dreams we have an opportunity to make CONSCIOUS CHOICES. You have chosen to examine the embroidery, rather than establish the identity.

Dreams like these are "tests" that expose consequences of your preferences. Do you see any lesson in this dream? Don't you have a tendency to focus on appearances, rather that on understanding of what is BEHIND them?


I never felt that this was just a dream like so many others. I never take anyone at face value, I always wait and watch what they do. I've said that before.

I wasn't getting any clues as to who this person was, that is why I tried to examine the his robe, the colors and the intricate symbols of the embroidary thinking that I could remember them and try to establish identity later maybe from the symbols. You talk alot about colors in your writings and that they are symbolic.I think this man is connected with me and I was shown a vision of him in detail.I guess everyone has differant experiences.From everything that I've read, that sure is true.


Some lucid dreams take months to understand. Remember that they are messages for YOU, not anyone else. I just suggested a way of its analysis. Try to establish a PURPOSE of this particular "vision" in the context of your particular situation at that time.


In The Freedom Of Choice, you spoke of us all having other selves or higher selves on differant planes, or something close to that. My inner knowing says that this young man is part of me on a differant level.


Your Higher Self is 'The Light' that connects you to The Great Intellect. It is definitely NOT a person.


Beards, from my research, mean wisdom. This young man had just the beginnings of a beard.


Be careful. Physical features have NOTHING to do with intellect and wisdom.


Pomagranites symbolize 'eating of the fruit of life'.


Be careful. What you repeat here is a pure sloganology that has no meaning.


Noses are also symbolic. He had a beautiful nose. I really noticed that for some reason. I forgot to mention that he had long dark hair just like me.

Question please: Is there a really good book about the interpretation of dreams that you've come across? I've come across several, but they contradict each other.


There is definitely NO ONE on Earth who can interpret YOUR dreams. Dreams are tools of YOUR consciousness that YOU can use to study The Self.


I think that the purpose of this dream was to let me know that,'I am a work on progress'.


This is a very reasonable conclusion. You we given a 'glimpse' of what is possible.


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