Let the Journey begin?

I am so glad. Relieved, that the thoughts which have been lulling in and out of my mind since I was a child, and the knowledge i had yet doubted could be true, has finally been confirmed. and that they are done so by a complete stranger on the other side of earth, I am amazed, yet ofcourse, not perplexed. If we all come from the same 'greatness' I will now, and for the rest of my days filter what you have written, but can tell already that the most of it will now be a bright light on my path from this day forth.

I am amazed i doubted myself, and am lucky I have kept some of my childmind like qualities and hope not too much damage has been done in me pursuing other methods/beliefs explanations (and neglecting) for my meaning on earth.I can stop trying to fill the void with everything but me.

I don't even have to replace anything too big in my system of thoughts and such, now I can blow out the cobwebs and confusion and continue building my conscious with true purpose.

I have always felt bored, and punished (mainly be me for not fitting in) for not being like the others. And now, I can be free of feelings of guilt. I don't need anything but me. It's always the simple answers we doubt and tear apart.

I can rest now.and let the real journey begin, truely with no fear.

Sharon mae

Thank you for your kind words.


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