Majority of the stupid is guaranteed

Dear all,

1. Do you think that being not only a specialist in a given area or areas but also an encyclopaedic individual is a good idea? I know for me that this is so, but would like to hear comments of other people.

2. From my own experience, I have noticed that I should not suppress the desire to study and understand the material dimension or tensions may ensue. Do you have any related experiences?

3. Quite recently, I was overtaken by the desire to start on a quest to know everything, despite my mental and physical limitations imposed by my current level of spiritual development and my physical body. I'd like to share what I wrote in one of my student textbooks at a certain moment after I had this 'quantum leap in consciousness':

'Do you realize there are no limits? Temporarily, there may be some, but eventually they can ALWAYS be overcome.'

I am also a computer programmer, and as I get into more and more complex problems, I see that all sciences are related, and for the solving of more complex problems great knowledge from all fields is needed. So guess what I am doing now.

One problem is that the more spiritually advanced I get, the greater my need to do more difficult and seemingly impossible things. And the more different I become from people around me.

I wrote all the above partly because I had a need to share it, and partly because I am interested in contacting and communicating with individuals at the level of my understanding (which is nothing special, after all, but it's quite different from most people's, and, in a way, I am lonely).

If there's anyone that has a similar mind, can you please respond? I will be happy if you do so.


Aiming to Understand is the best direction we can take. What could be the reason to suppress this desire? The fear of the flock?

Every individual who made significant contribution to humanity suffered ridicule and isolation. Einstein wrote "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds". He also gave a hint what to do:

"The majority of the stupid is invincible and guaranteed for all time. The terror of their tyranny, however, is alleviated by their lack of consistency."

Never doubt that a CONSISTENT and determined Individual Intellect ALONE can change the world. This is the ONLY thing that ever did...


Hi Vesselin. What is it you want to specialise in? Do you have a purpose in mind? Some of the greatest minds in the past have been exclusively specialists in studying the self. While this may not be a preference to many of us, it does semm to be a good focus, doesnt it?

Personally I love to know new things. Conventional (institutionalised) study rarely appeals to me, however because of the amount of rubbish, which in my opinion requires more effort to wade through than the potential gain.I have found that, by applying the material knowledge that I have learned to interaction with other people, I am learning a lot from observing their behaviour and mine. The sciences offer a lot of good information, but can be very limiting if you swallow everything youre taught, or have no real focus for what youre going to do with the info.

As for the feeling of being isolated from other people, I think that evryone on this planet who attempts to develop themselves spiritually experiences the same thing, to a lesser or greater extent. Hopefully what you get from your own development will be enough to provide continual motivation, despite the ever increasing gap.


Thank you Damien. What do I want to specialise in?

Right, the study of the Self. What else makes sufficient sense and what is more interesting that you, I, us, our Selves?

I feel I do have to study in depth a lot of other, material things, that are immediately present before me -- mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, etc. (perhaps even holography! 😉 ) -- as they can actually accelerate spiritual development.

I will tell you my reasoning (it is totally my own). I am of the opinion that each science, at least the ones I've listed, is based on a fractional part of the principles that the Self is based on. In other words, if one gets to know the Self perfectly, he would then know and undestand all sciences without even bothering to study them. But since we are generally still lacking great and versatile psychic abilities (I have no doubt that the determined of us would have them all one day!), and because of our material bodies, in my opinion it is better for now to try to derive the intrinsic spiritual meaning embedded in the material environment through the conventional sciences IN PARALLEL with the study of our Self.

The more we get to know the Self, the less we would need to study conventional sciences, and the more material knowledge we shall be able to derive directly from this increasing understanding of the principles embedded in the Self.

Don't geniuses do exactly that? Aren't the brightest people able to derive and solve any problem with having only minimal material knowledge, and perhaps even NO prior material knowledge for the problem?

So what I'm calling for is a perfect balance between material and spiritual development because they do influence each other greatly.An example: if I have not succeeded in taking an exam at the university well, I have some problems with my enthusiasm to do spiritual development. The same applies if I miss to do anything spiritual at the right moment when I need it. I feel I become 'stuck' and my imagination 'constipated'. I need some time to recover from that and it is always unpleasant.


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