More proof?

How deep would an underground temp sensor have to go to demonstrate your findings?


* the first few months of 2002 were the WARMEST ever recorded on Earth
* Huge parts of Antarctica have already melted.
* Volcanoes become active under Arctic Ocean
* The Largest Volcanos on Earth are losing their snow-caps
* Oceans are warmer than ever. Their increased evaporation produces large amount of clouds, rain and widespread flooding
* In heated oceans all currents are severely disrupted
* Mountain glaciers melt around the globe
* The weather around the globe becomes more violent every month

Where does the extra energy required for all the above to occur come from? Not from the Sun, because the Solar energy flux is on the decline after the year 2000 Solar Maximum...

How much more evidence in front of your eyes do you need?

If you really need to measure the temperature rise of the Earth's crust at your backyard, it would be good if you locate the temp sensor at the depth that the temp is "constant" i.e. does not depend on seasons. The actual depth needs to be many meters (@20) and depends on your climatic zone. If you measure the temperature at a depth of 2-3 meters only, you will need to compare your measurements with historical data.


Since the temperature on Venus surface is over 500 degrees, why didn't that planet explode already?


For a core to overheat, the amount of heat produced by the core should exceed the amount of heat transmitted to the planetary surface and emitted into space.

The higher the planetary surface temperature, however, the more heat radiated into space to cool the planetary interior (and the core). Hence, hotter planets may not necessarily have hotter cores.

The problem here is that our "crust" is a thermal insulator. On one hand it is good, because we do not have to walk on lava, but on the other we have to be very careful not to overheat the interior by putting more insulation (greenhouse gas pollution) for too long.


I was thinking that Earth has been much hotter in certain geologic eras than it is now. Why is it that it didn't explode then because of overheating of the planetary interior? I can't seem to find an explanation, but I'm sure you have one. Could you elaborate?


Hotter planetary surface has the capacity to radiate more heat into space. If my memory serves me, the relationship is a 4-th power parabola. Hence, if the average planetary surface temperature was 2 times that of today - its heat radiating capacity would be 16 times greater.

Now, imagine that all this heat cannot radiate into space, because it is trapped by the blanket of atmospheric pollution... In such a case, the planetary interior would accumulate heat very fast.


If you are correct in your hypothesis that the planetary interior overheats as we speak, at least some scientists would notice it. Any examples?


Have you heard that 28 Australian scientists found that some Antarctic glaciers increased their melting rate 4 times in 4 years? Those who say we have decades left before anything significant happens assume that the melting rate will be constant.... What if the melting rate continues to increase 4 times every 4 years or faster?

See this page for details and a link to ABC news article.


Hi Tom. Just to report more profs that something is happening: here in Argentina it is autumm but we are having real summer temperatures. And very near from here, in the south of Brazil, there was a hurricane, the first in history, and caused disasters. I'm afraid that something terrible could happen soon.

Anyway, I think that a change is possible and I'm seeing that it is already taking place, we have to act, many of us are already acting, like you do, but we have to be hopeful and not to forget about LOVE, because if we already sentence that Earth is exploding and it is just a matter of time and we remark that all the time, intelligent individuals will do no effort because every effort would be useless.with Love,


Please read The Freedom of Choice again to find out what conditions are needed for Real Love to arise.


Conditions? Isn't 'Real' Love Unconditional?

Kindra Blackheart

You have missed the most important point of The Freedom of Choice book. Please read it from the beginning several more times. If it doesn't help, search this Forum for "unconditional love".


I was considering the conditions needed for true love, and I remembered the valuable advice of 'love thy neighbour'. While it is obviously a good target to love 'everyone', according to the conditions, this love cannot be true love. My current understanding is that the word 'love' in 'love thy neighbour' is used to say 'try to reach the highest feelings imaginable for thy neighbour'. The feelings that you can attain for your neighbour may not be true love, but they CAN be as close as possible. That's my current understanding, I would appreciate any hints if I have missed something. With 'Love'. 🙂


In principle you are correct. "Love thy neighbor" is a direction. How far people can go in this direction depends on how much they understand.

First, people need to ACCEPT thy neighbour, and his/her right to exist. Then they need to find some RESPECT. Their actions and behaviour should be such that acceptance and respect are becoming mutual. Without these conditions "love" is an empty word.

So far most of people on Earth fight or otherwise compete with one another. What do you say to them? That love is "unconditional"? How many more thousands of years do you need to repeat this phrase for anyone to understand anything about coexistence in peace?

For other steps needed on the path to True Love please read The Freedom of Choice again and search for "unconditional love" at this Forum.


I have to agree with you Tom. I have also found that finding respect for another person opens the doorway to a very deep connection and appreciation for them. Once I can respect and appreciate a person, I start to feel a very profound feeling of metta towards them .. 'metta' means loving-kindness, and it is a word that I find most appropriate.


Why don't we begin with self-acceptance, self-respect and self-appreciation. Only when we understand them we can truly apply the same to other people.


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