Have you submitted a question to this Forum and received no reply?
The reason could be one or more of the following:
1. The answer is already on this Forum, in The Freedom of Choice book,in the Nujournal.net or in The Book.
2. Your question is not relevant to this Forum or indicates that you haven't yet grasped what I try to communicate in The Freedom of Choice book. An answer, although possible, is likely to smear the focus of this Forum.
3. Your question indicates that you are already on the right track to find the answer yourself.
4. I have chosen to give priority to other activities. Your question is on a "to do" list, but I can only work 20 hours a day...
5. I keep thinking how to answer your question.
6. I travel and do not have access to my computer [Tom]
your filter of questions is set quite high on your forum tom! to some extend, your forum could be compared to CNN 😉
Issa (fl****@us*.net
Have you seen the above list?
CNN: I am sure that you are intelligent enough to spot some subtle differences between CNN and this Forum.
My goal is to provoke people to THINK for themselves. What do you think is the goal of CNN? CNN activities are driven by the monetary profit. What do you think is the profit from answering questions at this Forum?
Let me add one more reason for not answering some questions to the above list. Sometimes I feel that I have said nearly all that I have to say. This Forum contains my answers to thousands of questions. Its volume is already dozens of times larger than the volume of the original book. How many times do I need to repeat myself?
Really Tom, the only point I made about the 'comparison' between your forum and CNN is on the filter part : CNN shows info filtered along their rules; and you filter your forum from 'crap'. Hence the emotion 😉 to show my teasing mood. I was just joking a bit. Are you so serious in every day life? Try relaxing a bit - it helps!!! I never said nor thought that you opened your forum for profit or related reasons! Instead I thought I could receive tips on difficult questions I have - that's all. By the way, you just published a chosen part of my post - this is not fair : either you post nothing, or you post the whole thing, not just bits and pieces. How could people understand my sayings with a piece of a post? However - I'll try not posting anything again - I feel I'm a bit not understood. I wonder how this post will appear on your forum: fully, partially or not at all. I'm learning my lesson! Wish you the best for the future, sincerely...
Issa (fl****@us*.net)
Let me analyse your "CNN" post, as an example. It contained LOTS of questions, one about gravity, another about The Origin of GI, and yet another about what's beyond the current Universe, just to mention a few examples.
HOW do you expect me to answer? I have chosen a self-contained part of your CNN post, that indicated that you haven't searched this Forum. BTW, most of your other questions qualify to the point 1 above.
you don't need to repeat yourself anymore Tom. you are filling your purpose, so if 'they' don't listen fine!
But the forum is a great place to meet other people who think alike, not to hear the opinion of just one person, but all of them; and a requirement for this to happen is to keep it alive, with new topics, so people can talk about it, even though those topics might appear a little redundant.(Even if its just to say: 'search for the 'x' topic in the forum'). This forum is a great opportunity, and i really thank you, Tom, for it.
I am trying my best to do just this.
You said you can work 20 hours a day. How can you sleep only 4 hours? do you use those 4 hours only to meditate? if one is good in meditation he can abandon sleeping altogether?
I included my meditation in the 20 hours. I go to bed around midnight and wake up around 4am for meditation.
I used to feel a little put out when my questions were not answered. After some further thought on my question(s), I came to an answer myself.
I feel this is a much quicker way of understanding. Tom can help, but ultimately it is you who has to understand for yourself.
Thank you Marcus. I forgot to mention that "no answer" can inspire many people to seek answers for themselves. This is how I started. There was no-one to answer my questions...
If I ask you something, you may answer 'you need to help yourself'. If I ask how to answer my questions by myself your answer may be 'Just explore it with your intellect'. If I ask how I can explore it, your answer may be something like 'you must create your own method for exploring it'. And we'll keep in that cicle until I notice I need TIME for accomplishing what you said me, but I think TIME has a lot of worth and I would like to reduce the waste of TIME trials and erros generates, and these also brings new questions... ...Now I hope to understand the last paragraph on page 146 from The Book"...
Luis- Not so Thankful
You are correct when you say that I will most likely aim to provoke you to find all answers by yourself. If you asked the Creator itself - you would also receive the same response. Please try...
The reason for such a universal attitude is simple: evolution of consciousness can occur ONLY as a result of individual effort. Understanding can arise ONLY in your own mind, nowhere else.
As for the "TIME that has a lot of worth", consider that you could be a little impatient. As you know, you have about 10 billion trillions of our years to evolve. BTW, what measure do you use to establish the "worth" of time?