
There will be a Global Vigil for Peace this Sunday 16 March 2003 at 7pm, so if you want to be a part of this great movement, you can learn more at


Unfortunately politicians today are too busy achieving their own goals to actually act on the basis of such a protest.

To really achieve something significant in a resonable time, I propose a global worldwide strike of all conscious people to begin as soon as possible.

I propose that all people stay home, do not go to any work, and maintain such a stay-home-do-nothing attitude until the idea of war is abandoned.

Are people on Earth evolved enough to agree on something of the fundamental importance to all of us?

Aren't we all on the same boat (The Planet) ? Good planets are quite difficult to find...


Tom,I feel that this suggestion would be far more beneficial than a peace vigil. Nothing ever changes from these activities, but if we upped the anti enough and all decided to stop contributing to the wealth of the corrupt system, that would make a big difference. How about Wednesday one month from now as a tentative start date. I am firmly of the opinion that this action Tom suggested would actually work!!!! It has worked in other times and other places. Lets give it a go and finalise a date in the next week and then really spread the world quickly and rapidly to as many as possible via email etc!!!!! [pauld]

If this happens, the only way to organize is through websites and forums such as Can each of us rally enough participants? For one, I do not fear that it is quite possible to lose my job, so you can count on me.


The danger of doing it that way is that we do not know WHO exactly is behind this website and what are his/her/their motives. They don't tell and offer no way of communicating with them.

The worst case scenario would be if the establishment used the information collected at this site to gather information about those with alternative ideas.

Very similar processes happened in communist countries and other totalitarian regimes. The collected information was then used to isolate/eliminate "troublemakers" before they had a chance to communicate with one another and agree on a useful action.

For example, Stalin invited the entire Congress of best activists in the country and then executed the lot.

Shouldn't we learn from history?

By staying home (under any pretext or excuse, headache, dizziness, stress or fatique syndrome) we make it very difficult for the establishment to supress our action or find resons to prosecute anyone.


I would not do such a thing unless I was 100% sure that the majority of the people were taking part. Otherwise what is the point, I will simply get fired from my job and have no money to feed my family. I'm sure I'm not alone in this.

How do you organise such a global protest and to know in advance that people will definitley take part?


Before you begin the action, you need to communicate ideas to many people around us to determine how many would consider to join in.

Word of mouth is best, since it it cannot be easily monitored by the establishment, who, I assume, is in the minority. (Only then the action makes sense to begin with).

Preparation is necessary. This includes self-support groups. Imagine a stay-home process to take months.

You can never be "100% sure" what other people may do. However, if the action is prepared well and its Purpose is highly desirable for everyone - people will continue to join in. Can you imagine what will happen if millions of people stop paying their monthly bills?


I agree with Tom that word of mouth would be safer. Once put in motion, the 'power of inertia', as it is called in 'Thiaoouba Prophecy', would be as an avalanche to the system! It's so wonderful it requires almost no effort, and not doing something is easier than doing something! There will be no yelling, no evident protesting, nothing, and yet the so-called politicians and financiers would be compelled to change their ways in the name of their gods like never before... Wouldn't that be great? [Vesselin]

In my view and estimation from some past experiences, if I sent some outline of ideas for such a protest to say, 100 people that I know, maybe less than 5% would not immediately think I'm crazy. They would simply say that they see no 'benefit for themselves' from the chaos that ensues following such actions (such as not paying bills).

Even if interested in participation in the protest, the majority would not understand that taking the position of resistance while still making sure their lives don't change too much would contradict the very purpose of the action.

Dependence on money and the fact that people think (and currently observe everywhere around them) that they need it to simply survive is overwhelming. And even if the ideas are good, the majority will remain ignorant, fearing the 'goverment' and 'the law' and 'ridicule from friends'.

From the FoC book, the best example that relates to this, is that habits are very difficult to unlearn. Because to unlearn one habit often means unlearning 20 others and people simply don't want to go to the effort. Changing the system through such peacefull resistance as I read about on the forum would probably require people to change most of their habits, which would prove near-impossible to most.

It seems that 'psychological adjustment' would be the hurdle most people fall at and thus revert back to their psychologically-comfortable money-based lives, even after achieving some progress.


I wouldn't underestimate the potential of the human mind on the basis of past mistakes.

Times are different...


I will spread the word to as many people as possible as soon as possible and feedback to this site when I have gathered information. Safety in numbers and the reliance on others means little when your conscience dictates your behaviour. For Jon, why not experiment with just one day to start with and see what happens. Even if we had 100 000 people doing a one day stay at home in protest, that would be noticed and it could spread from there. Just like peace rallys, people will begin to experiment with other forms of protest. Once more people understand the power of this, then and only then will they adopt it. [pauld]

In THE BOOK Thao suggested that we block off city inlets by parking our cars on the main access routes. When police arrive say you have lost your keys or the car's broken down. If they try to arrest you say you are sick, ask to be carried to the hospital. Inaction at work!This type of action would require FAR fewer participants. THE BOOK quoted only 10,000 to over-throw an entire national government. The people sat quitely, peacefully and said nothing (presumably so the press could not misquote). Everything stopped!!Here in Hobart there were 20,000 dissatisfied people at the last 'March for Peace', other cities had many more. If we could convince one of the speakers of the power of this action, or get a representative ourselves. These current marches are our God-send. These protests are gathering the largest dissenting crowds yet assembled, in the Western world. We would only need a small percentage of listeners to participate for success. This is our active, autonomous, thinking audience. Possibly our last chance. Is it a coincidence?I suggest we target these crowds as our main support. We would need to get the word out at all capital city Marches. Once the date has been set at the Marches, internet and all other communications can be used (the government will be too late to stop the snowball). What do people think?


The quote from page 173 of the book is not from Thao. They are words of Michel, the author, who reports in his own words what he had heard from Arki:

Once, in Arki’s planet, they blocked the roads with so-called ‘broken down’ vehicles: there were 10 000 of them. The police contingent knew it was done on purpose, but they couldn’t do anything about it. When the fire brigade or an ambulance had to pass, the people arranged to let them through by pushing their vehicles out of the way. They then pushed them back to where they were. That is the power of inertia. They didn’t move; didn’t eat; didn’t scream. They were silent - confronting the forces of law and order. Obviously, they said, they would be more than happy to clear the road - but how could they, without mechanics..? The country was paralysed. They had no banners, no slogans, there was no shouting or yelling; just quiet defiance.

They waited to hear from their adversary, who was sinking deeper and deeper into his lies and deceitfulness. A letter had already been sent to the government, which was well aware of their demands and knew why they were there. The name of the person who sent the letter was Mr Citizen...

The idea is excellent, it seemed to work, but requires people to go out and do not eat for many days. I don't think our society is evolved enough...


ADDITION TO LAST EMAIL...Pauld: I am willing to participate in the 'stay at home protest' you mention. If there are any ideas I've mentioned which you wish to adopt, please do so. Let me know what you think.


Don't forget to spread the message, especially among those who already protest in other ways.


Hi Mitch, Good to hear from you. I think your ideas are excellent and I like the thought of connecting with the peace protesters somehow. I will ask a few people who have marched recently what they think of this new but old idea. Take care and lets keep up the momentum. At least two of us can make some difference to start with. [pauld]

5 million spanish workers stopped work for 15 minutes (14 March) in war protest.


A good beginning.
1. Did you notice that staying home could be "illegal" in UK ? I think people should say that they are "unwell" for their action to become "legal". Just don't mention that it is a policy of war that makes you sick... Read all news about "severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)" and all other current health risks and make the best use of the info...
2. Did you notice how the establishment uses MONEY to gain control?


The hyperlink that Jon posted, regarding '5 million spanish workers stopped work for 15 minutes in war protest' was still available a few hours ago on 18 March. But now, it is not available to non-subscribers. I wonder why...


It seems that someone really "important" is watching this Forum. I wonder when this site will develop "technical difficulties"... Have you downloaded your copy of the Freedom of Choice?


I mailed to financial times (who published that article) and asked why they made it unable to read for non-subscribers. They claim that that´s what happens to all articles older than three days, so in this case I don´t believe that somone really important has anything to do with this.


Let's hope so. Have you considered an old advice: "Blessed are you who know beforehand what may enrap you..."[2]?


I am willing to participate in any action prescribed for the good of humanity. But beware, it is our obligation to examine possible consequences prior to taking action. Obviously a strike with a limited number of participants will have little impact, possibly some loss of livelihood, & people will lose heart.So what do we want? Neither 'Peace' nor even our 'Survival' is possible without MAJOR changes. Hence, we require the resignation of the current government - but even this would be merely a superficial change of new faces committing old atrocities. Therefore, we would also need to implement an entirely new system for/of the people. Fall short of this complete overhaul & none of our goals can or will be met.The ENORMITY of this revolution we are ramifying cannot be overstated!! Such a revolution requires extreme measures, two of which we have mentioned, but a group is only as strong as it is large. A wave of discontent (600,000 citizens)around Australia rallied for peace 14-16Feb. Since then rally numbers have DRAMATICALLY declined (human inertia is our main obstacle). Realistically, to invoke such a revolutoin we MUST catch such a wave or larger. Attempting to ride the post-wave ripples will only dissipate our energies.We must strike forcibly & unpre-empted, precisely when a CRITICAL MASS of dissidence is reached.Our wisest action now would be to prepare ourselves for when opportunity knocks. For example, USA has a particularly sinister mob of gangsters in power at present. Next, they will likely declare war on Iran (oil), then possibly Syria (more). Australian politicians have now committed us to such atrocities. This is almost certainly only the first wave of many.I urge all site visitors to attend these rallies, to experience their functioning, & identify which groups are represented. These groups will gladly show you the ropes. So that when the CRITICAL MASS is reached we can together influence these groups to call for one of our aforementioned actions to 600,000+ people (even speak ourselves). You will notice that many of these groups already desire a complete system change, we need just inspire them with our effective new but old ideas.It appears not to be a difficult task. In fact, it only takes one of us to enlighten an influencial group.With planning & patience we can change the world!!!Would you like to be part of changing the world, or sit back & watch us?


So far people on Earth cannot even agree that war leads nowhere and agree how to act to achieve their objectives. They keep believing courrupt politicians who introduce laws crippling their own people's Freedom of Thought.

Hitler failed to conquer the world with his laws and terror. Will people on Earth let Bush succeed?

Perhaps everything is as it should be. Perhaps people on Earth do not deserve any better... Perhaps people need to suffer full consequences of the monetary system, incompetent leadership, propaganda of deceit, inefficient protests and/or their own inaction. Perhaps it is all necessary to make people really THINK what should be done and why.

In any case, I wouldn't try to "fix" the situation, or do homework for anyone else. Instead, I would try to inspire people to THINK and expand the context of their existence. Some ideas are already presented and discussed in The Freedom of Choice book and at this Forum.

Without awareness of a wider context of existence it is almost impossible for people on Earth to agree on anything of common importance, until it will become obvious that it is too late to save the abused Planet from destruction.

Hence, inspiring others to think seems the best course of action at present and this is what I will continue to do... Attending rallies has proven inefficient and (due to new laws) will soon become dangerous.


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