Predicting Future?

In Thiaoouba Prophecy, it is written that "It is very bad to know the future". Yet, it is also written that "We [the Thiaooubans] canÂ’t predict the future more than 100 years in advance", which undoubtedly means that they do "predict" the future, and since they are extremely intelligent and knowledgeable, they must be doing it right. Would you elaborate? In other words, under what conditions do you think it is okay to predict?


It is not very good for you to know (be told) questions at your future examinations. Knowing exam questions in advance sabotages the learning process, because removes the motivation to learn.

In contrast, predicting examination questions is an intellectual activity during which you consider all questions that you can imagine.

Predicting the future is always useful, because one way or another it leads to increasing the Understanding of the Reality of the Universe (Nature) . As you know, predictions are frequently not quite accurate. Analysis of the discrepancies between predictions and the Observable Reality (real events) helps us to discover what we were not aware of.

For example, those who design underground nuclear tests PREDICT that such tests cannot cause significant earthquakes simply because the energy generated by the associated explosions is too small. However, earthquakes DO occur, only with some irregular delay, long after seismic waves associated with the explosion decayed away, and at a different location. Analysis of the REASON for this discrepancy indicates the presence of an energy amplification mechanism inside the planetary interior which is nuclear in essence and which has been ignored in the process of developing the prediction.


You say 'Predicting the future is always useful'.

The advanced aliens seem to differentiate between predicting via normal operation of intellect and via psychic means.In regard to psychic prediction, the text reads: 'Those who have their fortunes told commit a double error. First, the fortune teller might be a charlatan, and second, it is contrary to Nature to know what the future holds, for otherwise, the knowledge would not be effaced in the 'river of oblivion'.


Please try to understand that TELLING and predicting are two fundamentally different things.

In essence, telling anything to anyone without explaining reasons for a statement in sufficient detail, is a pure pollution of consciousness and as such is an act against The Purpose of the Universe. The same applies if the recipient is fundamentally unable to comprehend the explanation behind the statement.

In the context of fortune tellers, the danger is increased by the fact that those who seek their services really BELIEVE what they are told. Needless to say, cultivating such beliefs cripples the ability to THINK, REASON and ACT coherently.

Note that it doesn't actually matter if "tellers" are correct or not, tell good news or bad news, make a guess or steal the information that is not for them to access. The MAIN result of their activity is promoting and reinforcing BELIEFS and suppression of individual thinking.

As you see, TELLING is an act against The Purpose of the Universe. Do you remember what this purpose is?


But why they say a DOUBLE error? You explained the first error and I know that perfectly. Doesn't the SECOND error mean we should not predict the future by psychic means because possibly certain information about predictions will not be effaced or deleted from the psyche before we reincarnate again i.e. before we pass 'the river of oblivion'?


Life is a test whether you understand or just believe that you do.

By incarnating into your body and live on Earth you have AGREED to certain limitations associated with your physical body, just as you agree to sit in one room for the duration of the exam. Seeking answers outside the examination room using a mobile phone is called CHEATING isn't it?

Great Intellect has designed a clever system (we call it Nature) for us to learn and develop our intellects. When you cheat this system - you act against yourself. Please read The Freedom of Choice again for more explanation.

I have "received" piles of quite contradicting "messages" or "ideas" during my lifetime. It took me @40 years of thinking and verification to filter gems from pure crap, to arrive at my OWN conclusions and to write The Freedom of Choice...

In essence, no matter where the information comes from: channeling, dreams or a newspaper - it is always an Individual Conscious Effort to interpret, integrate and filter it. There are positively NO SHORTCUTS in the evolution of Intellect. God is not an idiot.

The better "filter" you develop - the easier is for you to find a gem - even in the largest pile of crap. Do you remember what my filter is based on?


But how do you reconcile 'Jesus, who came from Thiaoouba ... knew that he would come up against numerous difficulties and that he was going to be crucified. He knew all, for he had 'previewed' his life with us'.
'It is very bad to know the future'?


The "preview" is not the same as "the future". The "preview" is only a PLAN. The actual life CAN differ from its "scenario" or a "plan" that is subject of the "preview" - a little or a lot.

In essence, everyone has The Freedom of Choice - to go with Nature and its Grand Plan - or against it. Our problem is that we are not even aware where we are going and why...

For more elaborate explanation on the preview, please search for deja vu on this Forum. The topic has been discussed @2 years ago.

At the time of Jesus people got crucified everyday for anything that challenged the empire. Hence, anyone who planned to openly teach people to THINK eventually faced crucifixion. It was quite predictable. Hence it was quite easy to prepare a plan that took advantage of this predictable event and use it to demonstrate the immortality of consciousness in front of a large audience.

They did it quite well, because people still talk about the event after @2000 years...

Note that teachers need to know what the test for their pupils consist of and what it takes to conduct it. If they do not know, then they cannot conduct a test. For this reason they are given ways to avoid "river of oblivion" and see some aspects of the Grand Plan.


Hi Tom,I have a different reason for why it might be bad for people on our planet to know our future. Without a firm and clear understanding of the greater purpose underlying the universe and its design, many of us (myself included) would try to avoid all the situations in our future that we thought at the time would be bad or painful for us. I think that one of the inbuilt features of the great design for lower level intellects is that we a given the gift of hindsight and memories of the past. Why else would we be given the ability to remember the past, if not to learn from it. It is only after we have been through difficulties, learnt that our choices have often caused our own problems, decided to make different choices and then over time arrived at the best possible outcome that we have finally learnt a lesson about the design of the univerrse. It may take years or even lifetimes for this to occur. Through examination and reflection of what has taken place in our past, we can grow and expand our understanding and do things differently the next time around. It seems we are given many tests which at the time that we are going through them seem difficult and we can feel hopeless because the situation or circumstances are new and we feel we have no facilities to cope with them. If we could see the future, many of us would have avoided the things we grow from the most

Advanced intellects, knowing and understanding more about the design and purpose of the universe and the reasons why things are happening and why they will happen are still given tests. It appears these tests are given with both foresight and hindsight. People with advanced intellects are less likely to try and avoid things like bad events because they understand why they happen and the benefits that come from facing them. People with a more advanced intellect are therefore less likely to try and avoid the future, and therefore they won't try and avoid the inbuilt learning mechanisms placed within the universes design. This would also explain why Jesus accepted all that was happening in his future including his death, because he realised the immense importance of what he was doing for all of humanity at the time. By realising that he could help his fellow human beings he chose to accept his death and torture over all other things, because he already knew about reincarnation, the great spirit and the principles of the universe, and when faced with the choice of a painful death versus how much he could help humanity, being a highliy evolved intellect he thought his own physical death was a small price to pay and a small sacrifice in the grand scheme of things provided he could demonstrate to millions of people how it is possible to love your enemy, even when they torture you and explain the principles of the universe such as reincarnation. When faced with a choice of avoiding his future and the trials he went through, I bet I would have gone running to the other end of the world rather than dying on the cross and facing what Jesus went through, even though I know that physical death is not the end. That is why I can't forsee my own future and I am damn glad about it to!!!!


These are actually exactly the same reasons that were discussed earlier in this topic. You have just used a different way for explaining them.


Hi tom In the book page 44 Thao states that people on Earth 'managed to develop thier psychic abilities enormously' long time ago.

Isn't it possible to use it as a tool, eg remote viewing. Or prophecy, to advoid the world from exploding?


Since "prophecy" explains nothing, it is useless from the point of view of evolution of consciousness. No one learns anything from it.

The only way to avoid catastrophe is to analyse the symptoms, find the REASON for them and then develop a plan to slow down/reverse the situation. Understanding is everything.

We all, individually and collectively have The Freedom of Choice what to focus on - gossip and politics or Understanding of what we are doing to The Planet. Did you notice that, a popular news portal CNN doesn't even have the "Environment" section? Is it a coincidence?


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