I have read both the Freedom of Choice and The Thiaoouba Prophecy and only one question (as of now) still remains in my mind. When it was described how we see the life we are going to live and then forget it, I had to stop and read it again and I still didn't understand it. How can we see what will happen when it hasn't happened yet. And how can we see what will happen when we will have the freedom to make different choices when we are actually living the life. And if we already have viewed the whole life and have seen what we will gain from it, then why would anyone ever choose a life that wasn't beneficial to them (such as a drug addict or possibly someone that commits suicide)?
My understanding is that Life is no more pre-planned than a course at a University. When you choose the course, you can visit the University, meet professors, explore options of the curriculum, learn about the outcome of your studies, even see sample exams and their results. When you choose the course - you decide what you want to learn.
When you choose your Life, the process is quite similar. Once you commence your studies, you can CHOOSE to be a good student, a trouble maker, excel, fail completely or do anything in-between at any stage of the course. You can even abandon the course (commit a suicide).
Since the Purpose of the Universe and our Conscious Existence seems to be the development of Intellect, memories of the "preview" are "erased" so you can learn MOST. You are not supposed to remember solutions. You need to find and test solutions entirely on your own. Life is a lesson and a TEST of your understanding.
Note that at every stage of your learning you maintain The Freedom of Choice.
Greg, Your second question was 'why would anyone ever choose a life that wasn't beneficial to them{e.g. a life as a drug addict}?
Since many people do not consistently make intelligent choices, at some point they deviate from their optimal life-path. Then, most of the events they have seen before birth will not happen to them. Their life-path will be re-drawn by their spiritual guardians so that the possible outcome of their life is again optimised under the new {less favourable} conditions. This means that they will still be presented with many opportunities to learn and grow, but the final outcome will not be as good as if the original plan was followed.
If you approach the issue from this angle you will see that a drug addict is not a person who has been destined to be such, but a person who has failed and continues to fail on his/her tests. The consciousness of such a person regresses rather than evolve.
As you read these statements please remember that this is just a theory, which reflects my understanding of reality at this point of my evolution. As you know from school the only proof of a theory can be found in its logic. I only hope that when reading my reply you have discovered some logical statements that you instinctively feel are right. I encourage you to use them to construct your own answer.
Greg, When I read The Thiaoouba Prophecy for the first time I wondered about the same thing - how can your life be predetermined without your freedom of choice being compromised?
If you put that in the proper context, however, you will see that there is no paradox. Here is my view on this issue:
As I understand it, the goal of human existence is to elevate our consciousness to higher levels of intelligence and love. In that endeavour, however we are not left alone. Every individual has spiritual guardians {their higher-self amongst them} that help the individual grow spiritually, just like parents and teachers help a child learn and mature.
You could look at the physical world as a virtual reality kindergarten for infant individuals. Your real self (your consciousness) is sent to this virtual environment so that it can learn through its interactions with other individuals. Learning is made possible by the law of cause and effect that gives the individual instant feedback on the appropriateness of their thoughts and actions. Through the process of trial and error the individual learns to avoid thoughts and actions that lead to unwanted outcomes and to aim for such that result in favourable outcomes.
As you are about to enter this virtual learning environment your guardians draw your life-path, which will present you with specific situations throughout your virtual life, designed to test your understanding and present you with opportunities to learn. Each virtual life you are presented with can be viewed as a role-play. One time you will find yourself in the shoes of a poor person, in other - you may be the child of a multi-millionaire. The goal of both role-plays is to learn to overcome the specific temptations of these roles by basing your choices on love and reason.
The reason why your guardians choose your life-path for you is because you are still too young to take such complex strategic decisions on your own. This choice, however is made in your best interest and does not compromise your freedom since you are given the option to accept or decline the life-path you are offered. Moreover your answers to the tests you will encounter in your life are entirely unrestrained, which is again in line with your freedom to choose.
What you see before you are born is not a fixed predetermined life, but just a possible life. More specifically it is the life you will lead if the choices you make on your tests are guided by reason and love. It is the life that will maximise your degree of learning at this particular stage of your evolution.
Note that even these 'pre-selected' tests can be changed if the guardians see that they are too hard or too easy for you. Your life-path is dynamically adjusted to the appropriate level of difficulty that maximises your learning. This explains why there is no paradox between having a seemingly predetermined life and freedom of choice.
Perhaps this is a logical explanation for the so-called déjà -vu effect. You already know the entire film, but sometimes at a significant stage of your live or even a specific moment 'something' changes. What appears to you as 'seen before', was actually seen before and you are given the opportunity to change the film. I had recently a Déjà vu. I had the feeling of having this moment seen for at least the third time. I dreamt about this particular moment. It was the moment I had to dress up for a ball. I knew that I had to change my behaviour for the evening this day. I tried to stay calm and relaxed. Everything went right. Sometimes, I also had the impression of having something done very wrong. I had a déjà vu and did not do the right thing. In this case also 'something' changed. So my conclusion. Life is determined. To a certain extent. You see a Betaversion of the film, before living this particular life. When living the film, sometimes you can alter certain things. You are given the choice to do so. This is your freedom of choice. You always get, what you need! [Motz]
Thanx for the input Georgy. I know exactly what you are saying, however, after re-reading that part of the Thiaoouba Prophecy your theory still doesn't make sense. On page 137 says that you see all of the details of the life exactly as they will happen and then forget them. It even gives the example that you would see if your family would die in a car wreck and when it would happen. This even is really a preview of not only your own life, but the lives of all who would interact with you. Therefore, there must be another, better explanation. I will continue to try and figure it out.
The example you quote doesn't contradict Georgy explanation.
As in every school, certain events (exams) are pre-arranged. You agree to undertake certain exam (undergo certain experiences) when you "enrol" for your life. You also agree that the "course" will be of a very particular duration and will culminate with a very particular ceremony, involving very particular people.
Forgetting seems necessary, because you have the Freedom of Choice and from the narrow perspective of your perception you may choose to avoid certain events, without even realizing how much learning you will miss.
I think that even the life as a drug addict is determined. Perhaps, and I want to stress the word 'perhaps', this person has chosen to regress, has chosen to decline. At this critical stage, the teachers are giving their child a chance to recover. Perhaps these 'chances' are very hard to see and to use. The child has to overcome very tough situations. This idea came into my mind because of my dear father who I love very much. He had marrow cancer. It got better, because he changed his manner. Nevertheless he is suffering right at the moment. He is dissatisfied with himself and this he projects to his immediate environment. For him everthing sucks. But I'm sure, if he decides, if he chooses to be in a good mood, life would become easier. For him, I think this is VERY hard to accomplish. For him there are so many reasons not to do so. As for the drug addict. He doesn't know better. This is his duty to realize that he is doing wrong. For me, this is very difficult. I mean to realize consciously and myself, that I'm doing wrong. And to DO something about it is even harder! But I think this is the essence of life. To overcome his own limitations and bad habits.
One's life is clearly NOT predetermined. Because if it were there would be NO point in one's living through it. Its results and effects would be already known, so why would a Superior Intelligence design life as a waste of time? What would be the point? Many people say their fate has already determined their life before or as they were born. But have they asked themselves why the need to live their lives then? I know some people have the 'excellent' explanation life has no meaning, so you live just because it happens, and stranger still, you 'live just to live,' without any meaning or direction.
Now, I'd like to comment some issues which I think previous posts have evaded. I noticed that many of you wonder, just as I did some time ago, how can life be 'previewed' in such detail (according to the Book) before accepting or rejecting it as an incarnation. Let me begin by first summarizing what happens as we choose to get ready for another life. First, in negotiations with our Higher Self, one of our best friends, we CHOOSE to be presented with a series of 'previews' of different possible future lives until we make our final choice. I disagree with Georgy that we have additional guides, although some forms of third-party non-HS entities may say their word if they wish or are asked to. Logic also tells me the 'preview' is not prepared and generated by anyone else but the person's HS as this, I think, would guarantee maximum simplicity and efficiency.The range and number of these previews depends on one's current level of spiritual development. The 'previews' as possible lives vary in level of difficulty, the more difficult presenting more chances to learn, but more dangerous for 'slipping,' so to speak. We have to choose ONE. If one thinks he can meet the challenge, he will choose to 'enroll' in a difficult life 'course.' If one would rather be more cautious, he would PERHAPS diminish his chances to attain a significant spiritual progress by choosing an easier one. It is up to one's Freedom of Choice.It is interesting to speculate how the preview is generated. As I'm a programmer, I think we are speaking of a tremendously large and complex computation performed by the person's HS, aided by some helper structures such as the psychosphere (the fabled Akashic Records) Michel is speaking about. In performing such a calculation, innumerable aspects are taken into account. The state of the person's psyche in question is estimated and analyzed, as well as the psyches of all persons that could possibly interact with it. Animals, plants, etc. as well as inorganic matter are by all means parameters of the calculation, too. Needless to say, all laws of nature are applied to the data, and transformations ensue. Furthermore, things seem to be much more complex still. The Higher Self will also transform the data according to one's and others' anticipated reaction to the POSSIBLE lessons to be learned in every future moment until the estimated end of this 'life-to-be.' I guess the longer one is going to live one's life, the less accurate the estimation. Remember when Thao says his people are able to predict a future timespan of no more than about 100 years? And why didn't they transport the few Hebrews back to their planet, though it could have been done?Of course, there are certain predetermined parameters such as which one's parents will be, and, as Tom says, certain pre-set events/occurrences one may have arranged in order to ensure certain 'exams' are given. In short, the HS logically and mathematically 'predicts' absolutely every aspect of the possible life as far as they could possibly be known at the moment in question.
Then, in our terms, the result is probably formed into directly perceptible information -- images, sounds, etc., and is projected in fast motion (I bet one is able to control the speed of the projection, the FPS rate, at will! 😉 ) so that one can quickly see, hear, smell and taste the chosen future. In this way one can correctly form an opinion whether this life appeals to him or not.
It is important to point out a 'preview' is a 'preview.' It may be extremely detailed and correspond to the actual life it represents extremely closely, but ONLY ONE THING IS CERTAIN: it is SUBJECT TO CHANGE.
Some of you may be doubtful that such computations are possible to be performed at all. They are not if we consider present-day supercomputers. Besides, the massive data collection required is unthinkable with any technology we have or which I can imagine at the moment.
But have you considered the power of the Great Intellect and what he is able to do? Think about how he created the Universe some billions of years ago. Consider the amount of Intelligence and power involved. Then the above would seem as simple as 1+1, woudn't it? This very Intellect continues evolving right now, while most of us seem to be sleeping as we were 2000 years ago...
Additional comments to Georgy:You say that a preview "is the life you will lead if the choices you make on your tests are guided by reason and love." In my opinion, and in view of the above, it is the best possible approximation of the life you will lead no matter what you do. If you are guided by reason and love -- great! But if there is the slightest possibility you are likely not to do so, you will surely see it reflected in the "preview." In view of the above, the "preview" is not strictly positive or negative, it is everything that you could do and could happen to you. It's life itself... or MAYBE.
To comment another of your points: all my understanding leads me to believe it is you who adjust the level of difficulty of your lifepath by making certain choices. This is not done by anyone for you. Once you incarnate, you are pretty much on your own. Does this make sense?
Again, this is my current understanding of the matter. It may change as I acquire more information and hopefully, verify it somehow. Lastly, please tell me what you think of all this. And please don't think I've written it to show off... I just tried to explain an intriguing aspect of reality in a different way to fellow Intellects studying in the same "kindergarten."
I agree.
if we already see expieriences before we live dont we learn from them? what is the point of living these expieriences if we have already seen them and learned from them?
To check if you understand, or just dream that you do.