Principles of new civilization?

Changing the system? I know that there are numberous of people would like to change the system. We are trying to outline the principles of an ideal civilisation.


First I would correct all grammatical mistakes from the founding statement, otherwise people may not take it seriously.

Then I would resolve self-contradictions in the founding statement, such as "Man exists physically for the sole purpose of developing spiritually" and "Spiritual leaders have no say". If you accept that spiritual/conscious evolution is the Purpose of Existence, then a proper Leader must necessarily be a spiritual leader too. Such a Leader must have the ability to inspire people to advance themselves, otherwise people are likely to form yet another flock...

Since, as we see from the current situation on Earth, the question of the leadership is CENTRAL, there cannot be a self-contradiction there.

I would work on the founding statement quite seriously, because the quality of participants and discussion will depend on it.


I have found it very difficult to inspire people to think about this particular subject.I think the best way is to live and act by example.

Also, I would look at explaining the statements a little more in depth. People who haven't read the Thiaoouba book, the Freedom of choice or this forum would have no idea, for example what Universal Law means.


I would begin, if not focus, the entire discussion on the topic of choosing the leadership, because everyone can see what a mess a bad leader can make.


How can you get an unenlightened people to elect an enlightened leader? And isn't following the whole problem anyway? People find it so much easier to follow someone else than think for themselves. Who wants a leader that tells them to think on their own? Why do you think Socrates and Jesus were executed? Few people want to think the quality of their life is in their own hands because this indicates they have been making mistakes all along. Democracy fails because people in general are not wise. The only way to ensure good leadership is to create a system that weeds out the people that want to lead for the wrong reasons. How do we get the public to recognise wisdom?


Let's begin working on it.


Hi Trent, If the majority of people are as stupid as you suggest, there is little hope for our civilisation. I totally disagree with your point of view, because people could easily be swayed to new ways of thinking through the communication channels and sytem already in existence. If these channels and leaders can keep people stupid and prevent them from thinking for themselves, these same channels could achieve the exact opposite if used appropriately and it would not be that difficult. All we would have to do is change the message, nothing more. Since people are conditioned by the system, changes in the communication and societal channels could revolutionise our way of life very quickly. It has been done before and could easily be done again.

Tom, I think a start would be to eliminate opposition based governance, reduce the financial rewards and payment to leaders, ensure all decisons are made within clear guidelines such as 'benefit of the psychological wellbeing of all people' and compel any leaders to study the self. They must have had at least five real moments of contact with the light as well before being elected as leaders. This could be tested through a rigorous examination etc.


Be careful. In the current system - eliminating the opposition would create dictatorship (Stalin, Hitler, Saddam, Bush) and reducing the "awards" would make curruption and media misinformation even more tempting for actual leaders.

In my view, The Purpose of all activities needs to be established first. Only when this purpose gains sufficient acceptance - it will become possible to develop and implement criteria for choosing leaders who will be capable of leading humanity toward achieving this purpose.

Can we achieve anything without defining what are we trying to achieve?

I wonder how obvious the planetary disaster needs to become before people realize that they have been lead to it by incompetent and arrogant leaders and a "system" that they perpetuate... Maybe there is no other way...


Hi Tom, If only I could support your point of view on this. Everyone I talk to about the environment fails to see any connection between our lifestyle and our impact on the environment. It seems that most people assume that aspects of nature such as climatic changes (extreme conditions) etc are a random process. This seems to stem from the belief perpetuated that all of nature is random and there is no purpose to the design. Also, the complexity of the material reality we have created is occuppying more and more of peoples time.


I wonder WHO creates such beliefs. "Science" tries to develop mathematical models for everything...


it seems to me as if bad leaders are attracted by the incentives (wealth) of leadership. If we remove those incentives, only leaders interested in leadership will be attracted to the position.

It all comes down to money again. the challenge, i think, will be to come up with a system in which people have incentive to work (thus circumventing the main pitfall of socialism) and yet don't see the need to maximize profit (thus circumventing the main pitfall of capitalism). If there is any sort of monetary system, leadership will always be rotten.


Whatever incentives you add or remove - leaders will lead us NOWHERE again.

We need to begin with defining what is that we are trying to accomplish. Can we achieve anything without defining what are we trying to achieve? In particular, we need a leader who will KNOW where he/she is leading us to.


Don't we have to become a group with a common goal before we can decide on any kind of leadership?

When there is a large enough group with a common goal, Michel's book outlined a beautiful criteria for leadership, that which worked and that which did not. Why recreate the wheel when the ultimate sacrifices have already been made in this world and others by their examples?

Shouldn't our first step in recreating this newly aware civilization be in gathering our numbers under a common guise? Leadership will then evolve of itself.


The problem is that people do not even begin to imagine any "common goal" and feel helpless when little people with too much power (called politicians) declare wars in their name.

The situation remains me a kindergarten with a bad teacher. One way is to wait for children to evolve/unite and reject the leadership of a bad teacher. But what if the influence of the teacher cripples their evolution?


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