Smoke or nuke?

How bad ARE smoke alarms in regards to nuclear radiation? My landlord has just installed 2. Are there any precautions I can take?


The best would be to remove them and send them back to the manufacturer, or better, The Ministry of Health, giving no return address. If your landlord inquires about them in 2 years you can say that they gave you troubles and that following the advice of your doctor (Chalko) you sent them for checking and that you wait for reply. Keep the postal receipt. Notice that every word in the above statement is true.

Can you imagine thousands of people sending their smoke detectors to the Ministry of Health (FDA?) for "checking"?

Smoke detectors are a fascinating example of how our "society" works.

Atomic reactors produce significant amounts of radioactive plutonium. This is a very nasty sfuff and there are MAJOR problems with its disposal. But plutonium can be re-done in reactors into Americum 241 and then installed in every household on the planet !!! Isn't it an ingenious plan for the disposal of tons of radioactive plutonium? Make a household item containing a radioactive material and promote it as a safety device !!!

Of course people have to be kept scared and misinformed to the greatest extent possible, like in religion, so that they happily follow the flock, and even pay their own money for joining in.

Radioactive sources are known to influence our immune system. I do not know what else.

Am 247 is extremely toxic, but radioactively speaking is not the most dangerous: it decays with low intensity gamma rays and relatively harmless alpha rays. The products of its decay however, ARE nasty again !!! Hence, our industrial gurus only DELAY the radioactivity problem on Earth, for our children to face it.

In every country a legislation has been RUSHED to legalize smoke detectors. However, there are NO DISPOSAL PATH for them. Their electronics can become useless in 10-15 years due to corrosion. Hence, extremely toxic AND radioactive substances are bound to find their way to our environment and the food chain.

The plutonium disposal scheme is not the first one. The other quite famous poison still disposed by such a scheme is fluoride, the by-product of aluminium production.

So, send your smoke detectors to the Ministry of Health (FDA?) for "checking" and tell everyone around you to do the same !!! If they say nuke detectors are safe - let them EXPERIENCE the safety !

Even if you don't plan to do anything else for the environment - send your smoke detectors for checking today !

Someone has to do something intelligent. United we stand.


But what about fire risks ? Insurance companies in USA use tax / law to make a homeowner suffer monetary or even utility penalty for not using them. I think we should watch out for this possibility as well so the proposed plan will not 'backfire'on the people.

Here's a question - why do they dispose Am-241 like this to people ?? If indeed it is deliberate like you say we must counteract it!

I will try to convince my family .. I've tried in the past and have failed, but now I will try again.


Smoke detectors do NOT need to be radioactive. It is possible to design semiconductor detectors that are optical.

Let's explore MOTIVES for radioactive detectors. Who directly benefits from people losing their immune system as a result of radioactive exposure? Isn't it medical industry and insurance companies who make business when we are SICK? The more sick we become, the better the business... If everyone becomes healthy - they have no business... Who is the main LOSER when a fire occurs? Isn't it an insurance company? Isn't it a coincidence that THEY push nuke smoke detectors?

Shouldn't we begin using our Intelligence?


Regarding things like Am-241, fluoride and others, if people don't take some action, gradually it will become even more difficult to even protest, as the following information I found under

In Victoria, at the end of the parliamentary session in 1994, the Victorian government passed a new fluoride act that altered the constitution of Victoria (a state can alter it's own constitution, federal parliament can't) prohibiting the Supreme Court of Victoria from hearing any cases against fluoride. This means that no case against fluoride will ever make it to the High Court of Victoria because it would have to go through the Supreme Court first. No newspapers, TV or radio reported any of this. {1}

So, it appears that if PEOPLE don't do something soon, when they decide to finally do something, they may not even be allowed to begin their action.

Looking at many aspects of the law, I ask myself 'How did we let the state of things even get this far'?


Relying on the (legal) system to correct itself cannot work. The system is designed to suppress individual intellects and take the maximum possible advantage of people.

The only method is the method of Gandhi and Martin Luther King: intelligent and legal civil disobedience. It has been proven to be powerful enough to overcome the British Empire and it is totally non-violent.

Talking is not enough. We need ACTION. Intelligent and distributed, so it cannot be stopped.

So, are you ready? Send your smoke detectors to the local health authority with a little note "Sir, I found this gadget with a nuclear sticker, I am a responsible citizen, how do I dispose of it??"


Avi, Why not simply replace your smoke detectors with photoelectric ones and keep your family happy !


Replacement would be good for the family, but ACTION is needed to stop the nuclear waste disposal at our homes.


So what should we use to brush our teeth if we can't use toothpaste? Is there any natural way to clean teeth and remove bad breath? =:-)


I use salt water (a teaspoon per glass). Fluoride in toothpaste is not as dangerous as in the WATER that you drink. Have you read my first book "The Joy"? Follow a link to the bookshop.


How do I determine if the smoke detector installed in my home is a radioactive one or not (photoelectric or such)? Mine is a batery operated, incased in a round plastic box, about 8 inch (20 centimeter) diameter.

Following your reply, I will forward your newsletter to hundreds health conscious, independent thinkers, high-conscious, deliberate individuals on my mailing list, many of whom are catalysts of change in the US and 66 other countries. Thanks for bringing this issue to our awareness.

Amnon Shomlo

99.9 % of currently used smoke detectors are nuclear. Just remove the cover (like if you would to replace/check the battery) and you should see a nuclear sticker warning.

We should do something soon, before someone truly smart decides to ban warning labels on nuclear devices.


After searching 'internet' database of 'sketchy' dealers I found, if one checks it out it appears good as a product {assuming a product that calls itself photoelectric is indeed Am 241 free, or any other danger} the page presents itself well.

I can really imagine this movement to be very successful. What's interesting that I seem to notice about certain college dormitory smoke alarms is that the alarms are L-O-U-D loud! Anyone knows what I'm talking about? I may be getting ahead of myself, but this could be a next step in the justice.

'If you can't prove it, you may assume it, you may deduce it. You may even denounce it. But you can never, never conclude it.'

ready to go


The proof can only emerge in your Intellect. No one can "give" it to you.


Dear Sirs, As a radiologic technologist I can tell you I definatley know the dangers of plutonium, and I do believe there could be a much safer wat for the smoke alarms to be marketed, however, I feel you are uneccessarily freaking peolpe out who aren't educated in the world of radiation. I can tell you that these smoke alarms are no more dangerouse than a day in the sun, or tanning bed, or a few hrs. of t.v., or a dental x-ray. I think you get my point, and I must say isn't there anything else a little more important to be informing people about? Radiologic Technologist in the South

Radiologic Technolog

Do you know anyone who is forced to undergo dental X-rays, suntan or watch TV 24 hours a day seven days a week for the entire lifetime? This is the effect of having detectors in every home and every office ! At my office there are 8 detectors within 15 meters of my seat !

Even if Am 241 radiation level per detector is comparable to the "ambient" nuclear radiation - its very presence effectively DOUBLES the "ambient" radiation levels.

I seriously doubt if anyone on Earth understands the long term cumulative effects of nuclear radiation on our well being. "Dosage" is measured as total "energy" without regard to the detailed spectrum of gamma rays. Are you SURE that certain gamma ray frequencies are not more dangerous for our DNA and the immune system than the broadband "ambient" radiation?


I have a comment on smoke alarms. I read the letter and have found a source for photo cell alarms. They are made by First Alert and are available at Menards Building Centers for $20.00 us. Other places that sell First Alert can also get this one. The only difference between the two types is response time. The photo cell being slower and better suited for slow smouldering fires. [Dale Reindl]

More non-radioactive smoke detectors are at:


Do you have any primary sources of nuclear detector information I can use to convince my landlord? I cannot just remove the detectors since I am boarding there. They are a family, the landlord is the father.


Just remove one, open the cover and show everyone the nuclear radiation sticker.

Educate people - so that they can change their choices.


I happen to work for a company that not only has smoke detectors that are non-neuclear, but they actually work and they have a 25 year warranty. We supply them as a part of the lowest cost truely effective home fire protection system available. Feel free to contact me at gr*******@wo******.net


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