Suffering not fair?

I'd like to know why some people who didn't cause any suffering by their actions and who seem to live peacefully get nevertheless chronic or lethal diseases which make them suffer a lot or which even kill them and why on the other hand lots of people who clearly violate the rights and freedom of others and cause lots of suffering never get sick and sometimes even die painlessly in an old age. That's not fair. Could you please reply to this, it is an important issue to me. Thanks


You focus on "appearances" - that is why many things do not make sense to you. Not appearances, but what is BEHIND them is the most important.

Individual conscious evolution spans MUCH longer than one lifetime. Consider life in a physical body as an "exam" of our autonomy and our conscious choices.

Now suppose that you attempt an important exam. How would you feel if some examiner interrupted this exam to mark it as soon as you begin making mistakes? Wouldn't you PREFER to finish writing the entire exam before anyone attempted to mark it and give you the feedback? Wouldn't you PREFER to have an opportunity to CORRECT you mistakes during the time provided for your examination?

The same process occurs in Nature. Most people only receive their "mark" after they completed the entire lifetime. Simply speaking, they are given every opportunity to CORRECT their mistakes, during the examination that is called "a life in a physical body".

The most important the FINAL UNDERSTANDING developed during the entire lifetime. As with any learning - it is quite irrelevant how many mistakes you did before you learned to read and write. The only thing that counts is that NOW you KNOW.

Note that you can (and should) learn by observing other people's choices. "Learn to live by observing..." [1]

Also consider that every person CHOOSES the examination (the lifetime, diseases, etc..) to go through... Once the scope of the examination is chosen - the person has the Freedom of Choice what to do about it...

Finally, consider that the way people die is almost irrelevant. Focus on the way they LIVE... Focus on the choices they make when they are ALIVE...


Thanks Tom,I see your point but only half way. It seems logical that people who cause suffering and violate the rights of others don't get the feedback immediately as they are given the chance to correct their mistakes. Ok but why do people who don't do anything bad sometimes (often) get a feedback as if they did? Does it mean that they are paying the price for mistakes from their past lives? And above all who is the one giving the 'mark' who is the one who decides about the feedback? You said there are no punishments in the universe so who decides?


Your Higher Self. Actually, it is YOU - the BEST part of you. In this life you simply train and re-examine the WORST part of your Consciousness - the part that is very far from perfect. In the past you have identified these imperfections and have chosen the METHOD and the TEST to make progress.

Immediate Feedback: I had been conducting University examinations for more than 20 years. I peek on student's work during exams. When I see that someone's approach has no hope, I say nothing. When someone is on a right track to a reasonable solution I say nothing. However, SOMETIMES, when I think that a tiny little hint would make a SIGNIFICANT difference - I GIVE IT. I think that our Higher Selves face very similar situations and make very similar decisions.


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