
What effect do tatoos have on the intellect?


Usually they are permanent remainders of past mistakes.


Do you have any tattos?




I have a tatoo. It depicts an eagle flying over snowcapped mountains with a waterfall running through a valley and a small patch of pine trees on the side of one of the mountains. The sun is rising over the mountains and its rays light the whole scene. I saved for months to get it. I went to the best tatoo artist in Germany. I had been thinking about it for years. It symbolises my love of nature and my belief that all elements of nature are connected. It is on my arm, above the T-shirt line. Every time I look at it, it fills me with joy. I have never for a moment regretted it and I never will. Sometimes tatoos are mistakes. Not always. [Paddy]

I think it is what your tattoo represents that is important rather than the tattoo itself. It does sound rather beautiful. I wouldn't enjoy the experience myself but hey, it's your 'Freedom of Choice', Right?


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