Teasing Bible believers to THINK?

I'm trying to stretch the intellect of a new testament strong believer. Do you think the Gospel and book of thomas might help him?


Unlikely. So-called "believers" are likely to misinterpret it, much like they misinterpret the new testament. They "believe" and refuse to question or explain reasons for their beliefs.

A possible strategy is to study the text that they consider the very foundation of their beliefs and develop questions based on this text. For example, Jesus said that if one aims to reach the Kingdom of God, one needs to be BORN AGAIN. Find this text, study additional explanations it contains in detail and find out that what He really meant was a continuation of consciousness in a new physical body. Then, prepare your own teaser that will demonstrate reincarnation/immortality of consciousness on the basis of the very text of the new testament.

Don't be surprised if you find that the person considered has never ever read the text that he/she claims to be a foundation of his/her beliefs...

My teaser is The Freedom of Choice book. If a person doesn't wake up after reading it - there is a little chance that anything else will help.


Bible believers believe the existence of hell where god sent those who are sin for eternal punishment and at the same time they also believe that god loves his sons. When they are asked “why God who loves his sons so much would be so willing to damn his sons for eternal punishment without giving them second chance?” This seems to be a good question to make them think. I have used it and it worked.


I found that some "believers" react violently when you prove that by insisting on their beliefs they treat God as an idiot.

Hence, before I ask anything along this line I ask a preliminary question: "Do you think that God is stupid or clever? How clever? Are you SURE? Only when I get a strong consent about Great Intellect do I proceed to show the lack of logic in their "beliefs".


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