I find that my making a choice without taking account of material society that we live in is extremely difficult. For example, I love to study astronomy. Not only it stimulates my intelect but also gives me a deeper understanding of the Universe and its beauty. As I am from a developing country, such a course is not availaible. The physics course is more about application of technology for the prospect of economy.
I could go overseas and study such a course. That would cost lots of money. I have been ridiculed by my friends as dreamer and impractical. Even if my parents could support me, I would very likely finished unemployed in my own country. Certainly, that would be a very 'bad investment' from my parents' point of view.
How can I be able to survive in this society if I don't somehow compromise my choice? No matter how much I insist on my choice to study astronomy, I am afraid that I would never be able to do it in practice. I had tried to find ways to achieve that but everything failed. Since I was at secondary school I knew that money would be a great obstacle for my ambition. I am a person who is thirsty for knowledge of pure science. But the world around me is forcing me to concentrate more about applied science which contains a lot of material technology. I have to survive in this material world and therefore I have no choice.
True Knowledge has very little to do with "courses", even at the most expensive overseas Universities.
I receive letters from students of such institutions who complain how deceptive, brainwashing and actually useless their courses are. Do you realize that most "institutions" aim to produce "perfect members of the flock" and are in fact DECADENT (suppress progress)?
Do you think Einstein developed his most brilliant ideas at a "university"? Not at all. He was a clerk at a very b-o-o-o-ring office...
Development of your Intellect has nothing to do with money. You can go to a library and study ANYTHING you choose.
The most POWERFUL way to acquire the Real Understanding is to study The Self and developing your natural abilities. For example, by separating your consciousness from your physical body - you can FLY through the entire Galaxy faster that ANY material spacecraft, no matter how advanced. This is because YOU are the integral and ESSENTIAL part of the Universe to start with. Start DOING something about it.
Needless to say, you can do the above even if you are in the desert, in jail or even in a concentration camp. So don't complain about limitations. Use your Intellect and its Unlimited Potential to make materialistic limitations IRRELEVANT.
Try to understand the GRAND PLAN of the Universe the best you can. When you succeed - even to a limited degree - you will also understand the REASON for every obstacle in your life.
I know a few spiritual persons who are in denial of materialistics world. They always encounter financial difficulties and they somtimes feel unhappy about that.