Theory of Santa

The theory of Santa Claus appeals only to those who are either unable or unwilling to think.

For those who develop enough coherence in their thinking - the Theory of Santa Claus loses its appeal, even if someone tries to improve it.

If you think that the Theory of Santa Claus is just an innocent child play - think again. The Theory of Santa Claus and other similar theories can be actually more dangerous than all weapons of mass destruction taken together.

No weapon, even an atomic blast, can destroy a sufficiently evolved intellect - not only because intellect is "jam proof" by Design but also because it can be backed up. The Theory of Santa Claus however CAN slow down and even totally sabotage the development of intellect - with its OWN CONSENT.

Cheating young minds with the Theory of Santa Claus prevents them from discovering and exploring the Reality of the Universe for a LONG time - a lifetime. Do we have enough imagination and integrity to comprehend the consequences?

How many people do you know who cannot get over the 'Santa Claus' dream? How many people do you know who 'wait for someone to do something' - until they die?

Believing is not enough. We need to KNOW. Hoping that there is someone somewhere who 'knows' and waiting for "someone to do something" - is more dangerous for your conscious existence than exploding an atomic bomb above your head.

I wish I could give you some of my intelligence and imagination. I also wouldn't mind receiving some more myself. Unfortunately this is not possible. Every Individual Intellect in the Universe has to evolve entirely ON ITS OWN. Evolution of Intellect, intelligence, imagination and the ability to Understand is strictly the result of an individual effort.

I cannot understand anything FOR you. No one can. You need to develop the understanding entirely by yourself. You need to examine all assumptions and simplifications that other people make and come to your OWN conclusions. Never stop seeking a better explanation.

Understanding cannot be undone. It can only be improved.

The more you advance your understanding today - the more will you be able to understand tomorrow. What are you planning to understand tomorrow? What have you done TODAY to advance your understanding?

If you want something done - you need to do it yourself. Are you skeptical about how much one can do?

Do not underestimate the potential of anyone's intellect, especially your own, because it is unlimited. The only limit that exists is the one that you impose yourself.

Never doubt that a single Individual Intellect can change the world. This is the ONLY thing that EVER DID...


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