
I don't see what's the point in learning all this about spirituality if you're going to die anyway and forget it all. And if it's indeed about developing that which you DON'T forget (Understanding), then why don't we just forget everything and focus solely on that... JUST developing UNDERSTANDING. Are there any exercises for solely developing understanding?

Kindra Blackheart

The best exercise is THINKING. Keep thinking until you develop and advance your own understanding. No one can think for you - you need to do it yourself.

I do not think it is wise to assume that we forget everything at the moment of death. On the contrary, my experiences indicate that we can continue our thinking, not unlike in a lucid dream. However, our memory seems erased at birth (at the beginning of a new examination, called life in the physical body).


That's what i mean. It won't matter what theories of spirituality we learn now because in our forthcoming lives we will forget them. So i prefer to discard the unnecessary and solely focus on that which i will not forgot... that which i will take with me forever no matter what.

You don't really tell me much by saying that for me to develop Understanding i have to Think - that that is the best exercise - but i guess that's how it should be.. NO, how it MUST be.

Thanks for devoting your precious time in assisting fellow individuals... you inspire many.

Kindra Blackheart

Thinking is really the only exercise there is. It is up to you how intense and how broad your thinking will be.

My research indicates that life in a physical body is a test (exam) and we deliberately agree to conduct it with minimal amount of memory and with limited resources. An important part of this exam is to increase (re-generate, re-program) our conscious resources nearly from scratch - just to see how well we can do it.


Is it just memory that is erased or understanding? Maybe the mundane experiences of our previous lives are lost but surely understanding remains.

Different people seem to possess different natural abilities. Are these natural abilities due to understanding from previous lifes?

I have just started a part time degree course in mathematics in the hope that I can use this knowledge to understand greater things in this life and the next. I hope this is will not be in vain.


It won't. Have you noticed that every NEXT thing you learn seems easier? The second language is quite hard to master, but the third one is much easier. Same with computer languages or engineering disciplines. Once you know 2 or 3 you can adapt to almost any other quite quickly.

Imagine that you are allowed to take only 100 kbytes memory with you to your examination (=life in a physical body). What would you store there? Data? Family pictures? Software? What software?

I would store a program about learning how to learn. When I am able to learn how to learn - I am also able to learn anything that I choose to, even if I cannot remember anything else.

GI had to cope with extremely limited resources at various stages of its evolution. I guess that we need to learn to make the best possible use of limited resources too. Life seems to be a good test of this ability.


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