May I please ask: What is intuition?Is it our higher self? Is it our intellect?Or is it both?
What you call "intuition" is just an ability to receive messages from your Higher Self - or any other conscious entity, evolved or not.
Such messages appear to you as THOUGHTS. You need to be sensitive enough to perceive them, of course. (Yet again, meditation helps).
As with any other thought - we need to make a CONSCIOUS CHOICE how to act. We are just given a "hint", but the choice what to do is OURS. It is back to The Freedom of Choice.
I have been wondering about this question for so long now. I am, and have always been so very intuitive. It's like feeling something and then thinking about it. It is two differant processes.Sometimes the intuitive message and the intellect agree. Many times, they don't.
Then you have to figure out which one to trust. I usually go with the intuition. If I FEEL that something or someone is dangerous, I get the heck out of there.
Now, maybe I am more in touch with my overself than I originally thought. Hmmm. Very interesting. This is another door that is opening for me. This is the connection that I needed to know was there. Intuition certainly cannot be connected with anything else. You can't explain intuition.
I just did. Feelings (fear. joy, love) are MUCH easier to communicate telepatically than abstract arguments. Try to love a dog in your mind - and the dog will immediately show its appreciation - even if it cannot see you.