During a session of deep meditation this came into my conscious light, that we can do anything. Simply, Anything is possible. I do not beleive this, I know it. And I say this with such sincerity. Take it to the max. We can do ANYTHING. We have so much potential! It is truly amazing. And even more amazing we do not make use of it. After realizing this, this world seems truly backward. We're starving to death in an ocean of food.
What do you mean by "do"? And what do you mean by "anything"?
My idea is to figure out who we are, why we exist and how does Nature and the Universe work, FIRST before embarking on "do anything" dream.
Tom, in regard to categories of planets, it seems the Great Intellect does not put a limit to what we can achieve on a particular category. For a good reason, it seems only the physical environment is limited in comparison with other categories, but the intellect is not limited at all. For example, after reading The Book, I closely examined some other books written by distinguised yogis that never had anything to do with sects. He stressed personal development and the Freedom of choice.
One such book is 'Living with the Himalayan masters' by Swami Rama. It is interesting to note how many of the things written in 'Thiaoouba Prophecy' correlate directly to the practical experience of the few advanced yogis in the world. What struck me, however, was the fact that one could learn to REGENERATE one's physical body and stop/reverse aging AT THIS VERY LEVEL, HERE, on Earth.
This seems to be the most difficult, preceded by the ability to change bodies at will, for example. Needless to say, this is perhaps done only by a few people, if that much, on Earth. It is only a dream for all others. What are your findings in this regard? Do they agree with mine?
I have already expresed my view in The Freedom of Choice. There cannot be any limit to intellectual and spiritual evolution. The only limits are those that we create ourselves.
I have read The Freedom of Choice book about 20 times since I wrote it. When you read it again yourself, you will understand why.
Since our consciousness seems to be encoded at quantum level (electrons, photons etc..) I suspect that we can change behavior of atomic processes by concious concentration. Celular and even sub-atomic repairs are theoretically possible. More details in this article
Is the observer under observation, the view being viewed, infinitely?
What you will eventually perceive and understand depends only on your attitude. You are making your Self.
Tom,One question about our limitless intellect. If I understand correctly, what you are saying is that if I spiritually evolve enough then one day I will have the intellect to control the entire universe (after all my intellect is limitless).
However, this also applies to you and everybody else. Consequently a time will arrive when there will be more than on person who has evolved sufficiently to control the entire univerese. This does not seem correct to me. Kind regards,
You forget that one the most important things that we learn in the Universe is COEXISTENCE. Those who do not learn this have no hope of reaching the stage that you talk about.
Why do you think that the individual CONTROL of the Universe is so attractive goal?